Bridget Hansen is born on August 14, 2008 at 10:38 PM. She is extremely premature, born at only 27 weeks. After three weeks in the NICU, doctors are optimistic about her future. She is taken home. Her family is overjoyed, for she is the first child.
MARCH 2010
Bridget's younger brother Ryan is born. She is very happy and instantly bonds with her infant brother.
APRIL 2024
Bridget gets pneumonia and missed junior prom as a result. She is devastated, but is released from the hospital in three days. Her friends remind her that she can go to prom next year.
JUNE 2026
Bridget is accepted to the James Madison University. She breaks up with her boyfriend of 8 months because they are attending colleges on opposite sides of the country. She quickly makes friends with her two roomates, Layla and Jordan.
APRIL 2027
Ryan commits suicide, leaving Bridget in a state of intense depression. This affects her physical health, leaving her in the hospital for 4 days due to a lung infection. Layla and Jordan get Bridget a dog to help her cope with Ryan's death. She names the golden retriever Bailey.
Bridget meets Mark Walton at a Christmas party and falls in love. They have their first date at a local coffee shop. Meanwhile, Bridget's father's health is deteriorating.
JULY 2030
Bridget graduates with a degree in earth science and moves into an apartment with Mark, who is persuing a graduate education. She is hired as a consultant at a conservation organization. Bridget's father dies of congestive heart faliure at age 57.
JULY 2032
Mark proposes to Bridget in a park, and she says yes. Mark graduates and is hired as a physician's assistant. Bailey gets cancer and has to be put down. To dull her greif, Bridget adopts an australian shepherd puppy who she names Daisy.
Bridget and Mark get married. It is a happy occasion. They honeymoon in Australia, where Bridget becomes pregnant.
JUNE 2033
Bridget faints and Mark rushes her to the hospital. She has severe anemia and hypertension. Despite the doctor's best efforts, she loses her unborn baby. Bridget and Mark move to Oregon to try to get away from the sadness.
MARCH 2035
Bridget starts her own business called Shoe Guru. She hand paints shoes and sells them for a high price. Mark is promoted and is now working the evening shift in the emergency room.
Mark confesses to Bridget that he had been cheating on her with a nurse. He expressed shame and remorse, so Bridget forgives him. Mark switches to the daytime shift upon Bridgets request.
Bridget is diagnosed with septicemia and is admitted to the hospital for two weeks. Mark comes to see her every day. She is realeased from the hospital, but is still weak.
Bridget is diagnosed with stage 4 leukemia. Mark leaves her, knowing that she will soon die. He begins dating the nurse he had an affair with.
Bridget dies at age 32. Her mom is the only one present. She takes in Daisy.
You and Me
Together, I thought we can prove them wrong.
Together, I believed we were strong.
Together, I felt we were meant to be.
Together, against the world, it was you and me.
Together, I mourn that you said goodbye.
Together, thinking of you and wipe the tears in my eye.
Together, I am sad it will be never.
Together no more as you’re out of my life forever.