He is the sea
Your love was the tides
I'm not really sure how
The moon pulls you so
But as your ebb and flow pull away,
a descending sea I could not chase,
I find treasures
That I didn't know existed
And I couldn't have know
if I hadn't almost drowned
in your love
I left that beach
Knowing more of life itself
Even if I still don't know
your tides
I burned
fast and stupid
through a strong heart
made of beauty and difficult choices
and now I watch
after our flame
has perished
a light still lit
and burning dim
she's no grease fire
she too is built with pain
but she's a smart flame
Constant and reliable
and my appreciation
for her is eternal
how do I learn to burn differently
and not let my passion
be released and swallow
everything at once
until I've lost sight
and nothing remains
I've still got this passion
but nothing to burn on
and I don't want to ruin
If a fire is an entity
where does it go
when it runs out of fuel
I don't want to go out...