.22 kaliber
15 sekunder kvar
Det luktar äpplen, ny färgade löv och krut
Dånet från jaktskolan blandas med suset från 22or
Smatter, suckar och långsamma andetag
Morgonens dagg glider sakta ned på färskgrönt gräs medans stora sagosvampar tittar fram
Justering av remmar och klickande patroner
En tia, en tia, en mygga i håret
En nia
Solens strålar sveper sakta över tavlorna
Medans vinden står knäpptyst
Ett barn nynnar i bakgrunden
Gubbar harklar
Eld upphör
Angry Russian Man
From my safe
Stylized cavern
I watch
As worlds of others
At the pressure of an
Angry Russian man
From my safe
Tucked in
Corner of the world
I see on the news
Angry Russian man
Floods of refugees
Children and mothers
Holding hands with
ghost male lovers
— Bodies left behind
Now my safe
No longer soothe
They bunker tins and cans
Basements stand to attention
In case of an
Angry russian man
Trees wade in lilac moss
Tufts of silver green crowns
Leave way for the golden beams
That tenderly kiss the rocks
Shrubbery bubbles and sprouts
Dawning new upon the turf
bright, innocent, rebellious
Wisdom watches aged
Time lingers patiently
Proud parents prune and hide
Their young from eternal sunshine
Unknowing saplings strive to survive
All-knowing age deliberately outshines
Home: Unknown
It's so strange
Coming back to a place
You once saw
as home
Only to return and
Recognize everything
- Yet nothing
Not being able to
Place your finger
On what changed
Only to see it pointing
At your own
blank reflection.
In unknown,
Dusty windows
The rest
Swirls like snow
And buries
The hope
Of being back
To a known everyday
Plain, and gray reality
But it's okay
Given time
It'll melt
And the asphalt
Reveals the same
You walked
When it was home
A white house
At the foot of a hill
Stands patiently
While winds caress
Nurturing gentle erosion
It firmly lingers
And embraces
Man-made walls
Between wooden planks
It sizzles and cools
Teasing naked tree branches
Outside the window
Creaking, it groans
Every stillness heard
As it penetrates
The solid warmth
Turning sleeping silence
Into living noise
Frizz- don’t fret
I think I’m a superhero because a few years ago I realized a very special gift of mine, a super power you could call it. Turns out, I can over-power static hair with the mere strength (more like sweat) of my hands. I concentrate on them and take the sibling’s, stranger’s or confused friend’s hair inbetween my palms and pull down. Suddenly, as I remove them, the static is gone and all is smooth, shiny and well!
“Paint” they said, “it’ll be fun” they said.
You never start where you intend too. You never end up where you first thought. The paint just kind of sits there. Having a one-sided stand-off. Staring you blankly in the face as your hand quivers and falls. It’s all completely horrible. You where foolish to even have started. Looking away, you angrily sigh. Your grip on the brush loosens. You stop. Your eye searches for a culprit. The stupid palette just mocks you. All the colors are off. It looks a little bit like something you would have drawn and proudly given to your mom to hang on the fridge in kindergarten. Repulsing. You are supposed to know what colors don’t and do go together well by now. But you don’t. Clearly. Wiping your miscolored hands on your stained t-shirt, (That you accidently put on inside-out in a fury of inspiration at the start of this doomed mess) you move your legs and walk. You walk until you almost hit the opposite wall. Hopelessly, you spin around to face your oponent, wondering who’ll take the first shot. Nothing happens. The sad piece of “art” just grins back slobbily. You’ve disgraced all creators who came before you. You squint. Tilt your head. Shake out the cramp from your hand and tricep. Getting up from the side of the couch which you braced yourself on, you aim for the cold, barely touched cup of green tea you made before your emotional world-war 3 loomed up. It tastes like old piss. You squint some more. Readjust your glasses and take another sip. It wasn’t any better this time. Staring out the window, you sit. You look at the mug. There’s an ant on the rim of the cup. It runs about as if its looking for its will to live. Pouring the tea out, cracking your back, you look over your shoulder and see your loss. For some odd reason, it doesn’t look as bad you thought. It’s not great, but you don’t feel ill by the mere presence of it anymore. You become a little lighter. Something sparks. With new authority, you pick up your weapon of choice. Readjusting your vision, you see that there are things to be done. Darker lines here, a blue tint there, a reshaping of light on its arch. You take a breath. Then release. It may not be what you intended, or even where you hoped you’d end up, but this time it may even be better. Better than the first time, the first impulse came up.