Words from a hat
At random, pick a colour, a shape, and something from nature. Your goal is to write 200-500 words, in any form or style, using those words as anchors, but without explicitly telling the reader what they are. When you are done, maybe people can try and guess the three ideas in the comments.
Ended October 27, 2024 • 1 Entry • Created by JosephLord
One Syllable to rule them all..
Write a poem using only One syllable words. You may break this rule and add a word with more but only once.
Ended June 20, 2016 • 23 Entries • Created by JosephLord in Poetry & Free Verse
Write a poem, any form, using only single syllable words.
Ended February 10, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by JosephLord