all i know is tears
the once strong dam that held back oceans, is cracked
the walls are starting to rot
the dam is not strong
i am not strong
strong enough to quell the ocean tides
strong enough to push the tides back, please don’t flow
please don’t flow out and over my dam
my dam, sitting behind a hazel sun, is not strong enough
strong enough to stop the ocean tears from cascading down my cliffs and valleys
down my ravines, cracks and stop
stop at my feet
my feet were once on dry land, now they stand in my tears
all i can see is my tears
Pantuom Poetry
may you always find yourself
even when you're lost
for some will point at flaws
while others look at your heart
even when you're lost
keep looking heav'nward,
while others look at your heart
beauty finds those golden souls
keep looking heav'nward,
the world will glow and gleam!
beauty finds those golden souls
for some will live peacefully
the world will glow and gleam!
for some will point at flaws
for some will live peacefully
but may you always find yourself
there goes my sweetheart
see how he moves with the
see how people turn to look at
oh! for the world was blessed by
when he'd kisses me the
strength of his love,
and the beauty of life
again thrive the zeal for holy
how beautiful morning comes;
slowly harm moves away from
the two of us fighting injustice
Sweet baby
under my fingers
is your heart beat
with joy and grief you were born
before they bathe you with
infinite dreams know that i will
sing aloud with glee whatever
you choose,
though the world has many
cruel eyes to behold anew
love does conquer mountains
sweet baby, sleep!
for tomorrow
another day draws near;
you will be safe for
your heartbeat
is under my fingers