Lightning of life
Bring flash in the sky
Oh how it lights up everything
Its streaks of bright electric light
So pretty
This lightning lights up my life
A little tingle of electricity
Caused by stress and love
Flowing through my veins
And sometimes it just all some out
And I become a one big streak of light
Sometimes dangerous
Sometimes nice looking making everyone ooh and ahh
Anything can be the lightning of life
I have found mine
Stress and love
Some of the strongest most powerful forces in human nature
Just like lightning
Lighting up the sky
Hair in the face again
It's about the tenth time I've brush it out of the way
It's my fault
I keep putting my head downdown
So the tears fall straight down
Not rolling down my face
I should stop but I can't
Crying is something I hate
I don't even know why I am
Emotions are just playing with me
Being happy and yet sad at the same time
I don't even know
The tears have stopped
By my problems haven't
My mood is still here
So are whst comes along with my sadness
The dreams and daydreams
They pick the worst days to haunt me
It is like each part of my Brian had a meeting
And they decide to all drop the bomb in the same day
Even happy went along with it all
It's just a mess up there under the locks
That fell in my eyes again
Oh well, ,y friends are just on the other side of the screen
Helping catch me and push me up
I think they are there
Maybe they aren't actually caring
Only if I could trust...
My head
The most important part of the body
It creates everything we see and think
Beautiful things
Glorious things
But then
You start to believe
Horrible things
Words that make you think scary things
They cause you to try to make beauty
But each word said
Carves away at
The statue of self image
Into nothing
Just shards left on the floor
Raining down into nothingness
Unable to be put back together