Someone else
You are given the chance to live as someone else for a day. You have to pick a person who doesn't have the same profession as you. Who would you pick? Why? How do you plan to spend the day as someone else?
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Ended July 14, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
Think of your major hobby/trait/object/habit. Say you were to be the god/goddess of that, what would your title be?
e.g. I'm the person everyone copies from in an exam --> Goddess of cheating
I collect postcards from different countries--> God of postcards
What do you do as a deity? What's your symbol, favorite animal, name of worshippers, etc.?
Have fun and Tag me ^-^
Ended July 14, 2020 • 13 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
Tricked out of heaven
You are in heaven but someone managed to trick/convince you into leaving and you are now unable to return.
Who tricked you? How were you tricked? Why can't you come back? Where would you go now? To hell?
Feel free to write whatever comes to mind.
Tag me ^-^
Ended July 14, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
Loved Character
Build a character a lot of people would adore. Make him/her as the perfect and ideal person, then reveal why he/she shouldn't be loved.
Tag me ^-^
Ended July 14, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
Hated Character
Build a character a lot of people would hate the most. Make him/her as hateful as possible, then reveal why he/she shouldn't actually be hated.
Tag me ^-^
Ended July 14, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
Royalty turned beggar. Fair lady turned hag. Beauty queen turned ugly outcast.
Write about those or any parallel concepts...then turn the "downgrading" into a GOOD thing. Write about its positive outcome.
e.g. The royal who became a beggar realized the struggles of poor people and doesn't take things for granted anymore blablabla
Have fun and Tag me ^-^
Ended July 14, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
The "bad" side
There is a war and you have chosen the side deemed "bad" "wrong" or "evil". Why did you choose that side? What are your side's beliefs and what makes it so wrong? Why stick with that side?
Tag me ^-^
Ended July 14, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
A checklist:
Someone told you they like/love you and you replied "okay..I'll get back to you"
You are unsure of how you feel for that person so you search the web for a checklist to find out if you like/love them back.
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Ended July 9, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
Spirit Guide. A person just died and refused to follow you but it is your job to ensure he goes to the afterlife. That person makes it extremely difficult for you.
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Ended July 9, 2020 • 0 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
You receive a message from your future self warning you of your death
Ended July 9, 2020 • 9 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
Unfinished Business. Write about a person who just died and remains in the mortal world as a ghost because of an unfinished business
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Ended July 9, 2020 • 1 Entry • Created by LiyanaM
Magic Genesis
The world is set at its primitive age and people are just starting to learn about magic. Write about the beginnings of magic. It may be about how people discovered it, or how people tried to control it.
Show us magic at its raw form.
Don't forget to tag me ^ - ^
Ended July 4, 2020 • 2 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
I love you but you're real:
There are some characters we fall for and wish were real. What if fictional characters thought of us too? What if they love you but you're real?
Write a story or poem about this and tag me \(^o^)/
Ended July 4, 2020 • 8 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
I'm scared...
Ended June 2, 2020 • 6 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
If we owned planets each instead of houses, what would your dream planet be? Would you be alone or with your loved ones? What would it look like? What kind of life could you live there?
Ended May 31, 2020 • 3 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
If you were a villain what would your back story be? Every villain has some goal they want to achieve and use "evil" ways to attain them. Write about your story as a villain. How did you start out? What is your goal? What "evil schemes" do you want to accomplish? Include your enemy if you wish. Enjoy!
*insert evil laugh*
Ended May 30, 2020 • 3 Entries • Created by LiyanaM
Classic supers
With writing, a writer can embody different characters and experience the world in unrealistic ways. One classic character is a superhero. Write a day of you being a superhero. Make sure to mention your "superpowers" and "flaws" or weaknesses. Write about a struggle you have about as a superhero.
P.S. you can also be a villain
Ended May 25, 2020 • 1 Entry • Created by LiyanaM