cold words
you are on a bridge taking turns trusting eachother hanging off by eachothers arms on the lions gate bridge, you trust eachother that you wont let go. but sometimes you cant always trust your partner she dropped me. she let go of me and i fell to a deep depression falling closer and closer to the water as she let go and the only thing that brought me up was myself knowing i had to also let go and change. into the person now. i am not falling anymore off that bridge. i am holding on by myself, maybe it takes one person i trust to make me let go to my death.
your eyes in the sky
I am stuck
looking at your eyes
looking at you wanting
to kiss you.
wanting to hold you tight
and never let go.
but looking back
thinking of your cold eyes
when I got hurt
and now I am left
with the scars to heal
but memories that just hurt
and to put me into a depression
feeling like right now,
that leave me falling to my death
something that is just so wrong
you let him fall.
lost you in love
just let us be
in the dark night chasing
each other on the hill
hearing voices scared
running off the hill
grabbing me by my hand
looking back at you in your eyes
telling me to “stop it’s going to be fine”
smiling at you
knowing how different you
make our situations
so calm and lightly
putting your hand behind my head
grabbing my hair and
pulling me towards you
i put my hands on your waist
after you kiss me
and bite my bottom lip lightly
i look back at you
i’m smiling at you
i always smile but i really
can’t help it
i hate my smile
“i love you” you said.
it’s just hard to describe
the feelings you give me
my heart drops and i want to fall
on my knees
i go sit down on the grass
telling me to move my hands
you sit on top and give me a hug
“it’s okay”
i just really feel like
i have a purpose and
really need to be on this planet
just to make you happy
~i’d do anything to make you smile