My pen for you
Am I a good writer?
Who and what should I consider?
My audiences matter most. My content follows where it should go through the souls of my intended readers.
What do I mean?
Understand your purpose of writing.
What do you want to convey?
For whom are those writing of yours?
A good writer should know how to emphatize with his readers. He does not need to be complex or formal, well unless conveying to corporate people or educating people with correct grammars and spelling,etc., to be considered as an excellent writer. Being able to connect with the readers is the very key to being a good writer. Further, a writer is good/excellent if he knows how to see Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms as a great channel to reach his audiences and share his ideas and not as a diminishing factor for his writing ability. Actually, these platforms, if used well, are a great source of ideas that can open the creativity in you. Also, having the skill to use correct grammar, punctuations and vocabulary is a plus for good writer but having these factors in your writing does not necessarily mean you are a good writer. Remember, a writer won't be considered good without his readers; thus, start with them.