The Archived Ghosts
A 20 year old girl kidnapped
Will she be saved or raped?
New day, new headlines
Family of four in an accident
Will the remaining two overcome the loss?
New day, new headlines
Young guy shot in head
Forever stuck in coma or just a matter of time?
And the list goes on
As the archived ghosts pile up,
Unbeknownst terrors.
What happened to the girl? Did they save her? Did they rape her? What about the family? How are they surviving? Is she okay? Where is she? Do they have resources? The coma guy, please don’t let him be dead? Do they have the energy to pull through? Did he make it? Is he traumatised? Does he remember anything? Is she traumatised?
And so you turn to the news
To find answers
Of questions unasked
Of stories incomplete
But there it is:
New day, new headlines.