Wishes and photographs
We exchanged wishes
and tossed it into the flowing river.
May it lead them into the ocean of dreams,
And may it's waves crash
into the shores of our hearts.
May those wishes manifest
into pages in our lives.
A new star in your galaxy,
to which my compass will point to.
I would love for you
to capture this moment!
Capture it through the lenses
Of your existence, like postal
stamps on letters.
Its contents bare your hand strokes
uniquely yours.
And one day, when we are old
We shall read it to each other.
I shall trace your letters
with my fingers
I will dive inside the photo you took
And for that moment we are one.
So I breathed the spirit of today
And my hands dance through the wind
As we drive back home.
Many mountains
I wish you all could be here right now
At this very moment.
Waters flowing down the river
Sending winds to caress me
with such poetic sensation.
I feel like a school girl at prom!
And the wind, with confidence
Asks me if I wanted to dance
...of course I do!
I lay my eyes on many mountains with rugged ridges.
Rain clouds resting on its tips to form bridges
Connecting mountains to the sky
It's poetry to the eye
Put a frame on this very moment
And hang it on the walls of your memories
Like ointment
Rub it on the soul for soothing.
I woke up with thanksgiving in my heart.
Gratitude to the One and All
The Most High
Whose infinite wisdom made existence function
May our communication be music I dance to
I count 30 years of forgiveness
You count 30 years of Love
Bestowed my mother a seed
She is the earth I stand on
And a mountain of a grandfather
Who now forgets,
But his ridges clearly remembers.
He joyfully offered me celebration
Now I wear his feathers
The other night I danced around the fire with good souls
The dark clouds opened up for the moon and the stars
And I woke up to the call of the one I love
Who greeted me with the sweetest of voice
She is the blessing I count everyday
Created I am by the all seeing Creator
Bask me in love, guide me thru the rivers
And may your infinite wisdom grant me
Humility and contentment
Give thanks
A comfort in being cradled,
In the hands of the familiar!
The mothers!
The grandmother,
She showed me the blessings of the sun.
Her whispers I still hear today.
A grandfather whom I climb up to,
He was the mountain
Up to this day I bask in his wisdom
While I still can
Faces who are now memories,
Names I no longer know
Yet they were familiar that I allowed myself to be cradled in their hands.
And to the one who kept me calm from tears
Whose voice I have forgotten
She took me in her canoe, across the river.
Allowed my finger tips to playfully strum the waters.
I'll take her memory with me to all my voyages.
Yesterday collectives: 1
Still vivid in my memory
When I was 3 years old or so
My grandfather would pour tiny drops of beer in my red plastic cup
I would sip it and with a sour look on my face, smile at my grandfather.
My parents and my grandmother wouldn't know till I became an adult.
My grandfather is a legend.
My grandfather came home from the ranch
....All bloodied up
His shirt and pants ripped, smeared with grass stains, mud and blood.
I was drawing colors, and my grandmother was making breakfast
He calmly walked in the kitchen and said
"Hey honey ...a cow tried to kill me"
I was confused and scared
When I was 5 years old
There was a neighbor girl ..also 5
Her name was Charlotte
One time she came over to visit.
My aunts would tease me to her
...I was scared, I hid under a bed
I lost confidence in talking to girls till I turned 20
When I was around 5 years old
My grandmother took me to a funeral
I didn't know who she
I think she was a relative
Curious I wanted to see what's in the casket
My grandmother probably decided it's time I become a man
So she allowed me to take a look what's inside
She looked young
She looked pretty
I thought looking at a pretty young girl made me a man
When I was 5 years old or so
I was left at home with a baby sitter
A stranger knocked at the front door
When the baby sitter went to see who it was
The stranger pointed a gun at her
He smelled like beer and alcohol
I don't know who he was but I remember being scared shitless
I ran to the back in the garage
I panicked
I tried to hide under the stairs but I know i was still exposed
I eventually found of what I thought a clever hiding spot for a 5 year old
....under our old red Mitsubishi Lancer
I was crying trying not to make a sound
I forgot what happened next but all I remember was my grandfather's brother Junior found me and picked me up and I felt safe.
I don't know what happened that day
But I peed my pants
I was about 9 or 10 years old
There was a boy next door
He happened to be my uncle who just also happened to be a kid like me.
About a year older
But he kept bullying me for years
And for years I was scared of him
He was bigger
Had more friends
The other kids would listen to him because he was taller and took command
I remember he would constantly pick on me.
One day
it was his birthday
And he purposely spilled my plate while I was eating
...it was spaghetti
High of his birthday celebration
He wanted to play fight with me
So the other kids gathered around and insisted we should play fight
I was hesitant, I didn't want to do it
I didn't want to get hit
But he hit me right on the lip
Now it just so happened I watched a lot of Jackie chan and Bruce lee movies
So in slow motion
like Bruce lee
I took my hand and wipe my lip
Then looked at my hands as if there was blood just as Bruce lee would
(There was no blood)
And I stared at him with an angry face
And screamed angrily at the top of my lungs
And just went nuts and clenched his head and kicked him on the stomach with my knees
over and over and over and over again
He never messed with me since.
Night Rain (Songs from the stars)
Rain drops crashing on the leaves
As I tune my focus
Sparrows sheltered on the trees
And thus serenity told us
Empowering the earth, the seeds
Atomic bonds that holds us
And so in moments like these
I pour a cup of solstice
Suppose this ......mmmm life?
And the whole meaning of it
I know it's kinda cliché
But everyone's dreaming of it
And so it seems
That in my dreams, I'm just weaving on it
Clichés are perfectly fine
when the clouds are raining on it
So go ahead mr. nimbus
go ahead
Let it rain
I'm perfectly calm
If thou providest me company or none
I'm not bitter with the sun
And in the night time when you don't see the stars
You could hear them through the rain.
Fire and the moon
We gather round the fire
Below a full moon
She came down close to us this evening
Closest she's ever been
There must be something tonight
That she has to lean over and listen to the noises we make
And fire crackles changing colors
We tell stories of eternity
Times likes these we time travel
To stories untold, never known
And for stories to be told, to be know