New Dawn
I look back on photos
From us in the past.
I wish that those people
Would've made it last
I wish this were simple;
I wish I were fine.
But all of these changes
Went by so fast.
I know I am different
Life works that way.
I grew up; but really
I had no say.
Then I look at you
And I realize
The changes in you
Were a hard price to pay.
My changes weren't easy
But life is just so.
Your changes are harder
Because you let go
Of all of the people
Who truly cared for you.
Now we pay the price
And now we feel low.
Who is this person?
I do not know you.
You can't be the one
I gave my heart to.
Because they were kind
And cared for others.
I cannot believe
This is how they grew.
Its time to let go.
I will move on.
That person is dead.
My friend is gone.
I won't be the one
To pay this price.
Enjoy your new life.
Here's a new dawn.
Friendship Lost
I was always by your side. I cheered you on when your goals were met. I gave wholeheartedly to your successes.
We shared so much together. We loved the same books. We listened to the same music. You showed me yours and I showed you mine. We watched movies all curled up on the couch.
Now how did this happen? All my secrets have escaped. I am exposed; the whole world can see. There were things that no one else knew, except you.
Why would you do this? I don't understand? You are cold and avoid me at every turn.
I see you with the other girls, those girls that shot me down. You giggle and laugh like lifelong friends. What has happened?
I look back at all we had together. Late nights, karaoke battles, writing our play... Was it all a lie? Did you actually enjoy when you would rock out to my songs? Would you actually read the books I got you? When you said "I love you", did you mean it?
It was you who stopped talking.
I would reach out, just to fall flat.
I was always open.
I'm still open.
You distinguished yourself.
I didn't care.
You did.
So you hurt everyone you were afraid of.
You couldn't do it on your own.
But you burned bridges.
You snuck around to find loopholes
At everyone else's expense.
You were sure we would disagree.
But you never asked.
You assumed.
You pushed the "disagreeing" voices away.
You thought we would control you.
So you turned the tables.
But the tables were never there,
And we trusted you.
You took advantage of our love
While thinking that we hate.
In reality, all we wanted was
This nightmare to end.
You started to feel alone.
Who would be at your side?
You told half truths and shared
What others did confide.
With an arsenal at your side,
You may have thought you won.
You want to hear us calling to
Do anything to have you.
I'm not playing this battle.
No, actually, its a game,
Played by children who have nothing
But to start drama and anger.
I will not be persuaded that
What you've done is ok.
I will not be the person
Whose decisions you can sway.
I am tired of the apologies blaming
Those that did you wrong.
I am not dancing to your music.
I sing a different song.
I will not play into your hands;
You will not use my words.
I am confident in my stance;
You hide away.
I understand what we were
Will never be again.
I can forgive these things you've done,
But I will not forget.
I will not apologize for the things
I've said or done.
But I am sorry you didn't feel
I was worth enough to talk to.
My Roommate
You and I never really saw eye to eye.
That was just fine with me.
I liked who you were, strong and driven.
Something I couldn't be.
Sometimes we fought, but we got over it.
We both needed to grow.
We never got truly close, but we never
Skipped on the chance to say hello.
We split in a good place,
And I thought we were done.
Three years later, you came back in my life.
We get to relive the fun.
Trouble struck you. I knew it had.
But we had gone through worse fights,
And so I prayed for your strength.
I knew you were on the path of right.
Others doubted. I never did.
They would tell me, "She's done this.
She is so wrong. I can't believe it."
But all their claims I'd dismiss.
My loyalty never wavered.
I held you high, in my prayers and speech.
I put faith where I'd seen you be strong.
I knew the end you'd reach.
When, all of a sudden, you were gone.
You left as if you hated this place.
As if we all had oppressed you.
After I had given you grace.
But there was still hope!
I knew wherever you were,
You would not deny your strength.
You were stronger than her.
You never cared about my loyalty.
You made me look like a fool.
You were hurt, and I get that!
Why couldn't you just finish school?!
You could've asked for help, and
I would understand. But instead
You disappeared and in your mind
All of us could be dead.
I know your story is hard.
I wouldn't doubt you at all.
But now that you've run away,
I have taken your fall.
I truly want the best for you.
I want you to be glad.
I won't ever stop loving you
Or all the fun we had.
The King knew what time it was from the sounds he heard. They were not chimes from a bell, nor the tick of a clock. No, he could hear the screams coming from down the hall. The screaming occurred every night at 9. But tonight was different. The shrieks were not only of terror, like they had been, but of agonizing pain.
Memories with Grandma
I wiggled my tools on her checkered floor. Grandma wasn't awake yet, but I loved to get up early to see deer, or squirrels!
As I watched the deer walking to the woods, she came up behind me.
"How about some breakfast, dear?"
She always made my favorites. Once I heard the sizzle of the pan, I jumped up to help. I set the table just right, and pulled out the ketchup for the eggs.
We ate our breakfast as she asked about our plans for the day. As always, we would make a trip to the library!
Once we had finished the dishes and gotten dressed, out the door we went. We saw my aunt, who had just showed up. She sat there with a cigarette to her mouth. Grandma grabbed the newspaper from the porch, and whacked my aunt across the head!
"I thought I told you, no more smoking at my place!"
My aunt apologized, embarrassed, and told my grandma she came to mow her yard.
"Well, good," Grandma said. "It's getting too tall."
She walked me away, since I had been coughing from the smoke. We got to the car and drove off. Once we had arrived at the library, my coughing hadn't stopped. As soon as she heard the splash of the fountain, Grandma took me to get a drink. Once I'd stopped, I almost ran to grab a book.
Once I had gotten one, I sat down to read. The library cat came beside me and tried to hit my book. I swatted at the cat and she ran off.
Now I was getting hungry. Grandma checked my books out, and she told me we were getting a surprise. I was so excited as we pulled up to the Wendy's drive-thru. One chocolate frosty, just for me! I ate it as quickly as I got it, and soon I was asleep.
The next thing I knew, I was back home. My day with Grandma was over. I went to the phone and dialed her number to set up another day together.
My Mind
My mind is like a glass jar
With empty, open space.
When something happens to fall in,
It bounces all over the place.
People place things in my jar,
Their worries, doubts and fears.
No one takes into regard
Slowly the edge nears.
Finally, I reach the point
Where I can't hold another speck!
I'm filled to the brim and there's
No space in my wide-rimmed neck.
Maybe someone can smash me
Into the smallest pieces.
I would be broken, but relieved
When my burden releases.
Or is there another way?
Perhaps someone could
Come by and empty me.
I truly wish they would.
My mind is like an empty jar
People like to put things in.
For once, I wish that they
Would ask how I've been.
Hello! My name is Maquis, and I can't quite remember how long I've used Prose. It's been about five years I would guess. I normally use this as an outlet for my droopy feelings, and I'm also using it as inspiration to write my book, which is going very slowly.
In my personal life, I have finished college, and started teaching 5th and 6th grade in a private Christian school. I love what I do, and I love to write. I love making friends, but ironically I have social anxiety. I also have ADHD, which causes me to being on avidly sometimes or to not come on in weeks. I try to be consistent, and honestly I've gotten better. I'm happy to be here and use the available resources, and to just enjoy myself while writing.
Fall is the Time of Death
I worry for my friends and family.
They could die at any moment.
Though, one time is settled in cement,
Because fall is the time of death.
I wish I could have saved you.
I should have tried talking to you.
But there's only so much to do,
When fall is the time of death.
I didn't want to hear it,
But Dad had to call to tell me
When you could barely even breathe.
Because fall is the time of death.
I could not believe it
I'm never going to see you again.
I've wasted the time we were given.
Because fall is the time of death.
When I say, "I hate fall."
I don't hate the pumkins and leaves.
I hate the times when tears are on my sleeves,
Because fall is the time of death.