XJ The Demon
It was a stormy night in Aurua, Elysium. The wind and rain was stirring up for a show, ready to unveil catastrophy. Citizens of Hell were hurrying home in a blaze. Food left to rot in venues, clothes and belongings strown about and crowds rushing for safety from the incoming storm. Amid the chaos a blur of pink and red was seen in the sky. The blur was a scantily dressed incubus. Tail and wigs flaying and swaying through the air as he wind picked up. The figure smirked and with a flourish, spun, and blasted up towards the clouds to escape the incoming storm.
XJ watched as he crowds scrambled for safety as he watched from afar in the sky
"Ugh demons can be so dramatic sometimes" He rolled his yes and continued his journey out of Hell.
To be Continued
Dark Lily
A singular Lily, who holds the essence of Life and Peace wades the soft pond with glee, relishing in the peace it brought. As the Moon rose from the abyss and the Sun fell into the abyss, a rustle sounded out in the peaceful pond and the Lily, oblivious to the new presence, fell into a slumber.
A thorn vine, which held the essence of Death and Despair rose above the pond and slowly, as if it would shrivel from any sort of detection, wrapped itself around the Lily and began to let its branches venture into the Lily. The Lily, ironically, did not wail, cry, or show any form of pain. In fact, it seemed as if it... embraced the thorns growing in its heart. But, Black Midnight, began to spread over the flower, twisting it and destroying the peace it once had.
The Lily once a symbol of Life and Prosperity has now turned into a being of both Death and Life, Chaos and Order.
Crystal Kingdom
The most beautiful place? A world, filled with life, mystical beings, storms and rain, and snow everywhere, shifting in and out. A world with no Death or Despair. A world filled with Love and Prosperity. A world without judgment and hatred, a world of acceptance and embracement.
The sky would be crystal white, softly letting go snow and rain. The rivers would be made of fire and water, filled with all sorts of fantastical animals. The forests would be made of every single material you could imagine. Magic would be practiced regularly, free and flowing. Children and Parents could travel freely without fear or anger. No Chaos in the Kingdom of Crystalis. The King And Queen would rule with a fair hand, no tyranny or “favorites”. Fair rules and laws that allowed others to be free but know discipline.
Yes, such a beautiful and free word...
That’s Not Reality
I am walking through the crowds of eternity. Where am I? I don’t know. I’ve been walking in this place for what it seems like Eons. My friends, family, all gone. I remember nothing. I can’t feel Joy, or Anger, or any emotion. I’m just... empty. My eyes are soulless, with not even a speck of color or hope. My soul is a blank canvas, only without the tools of Creativity. My mind is like a void, nothing in its confines. No life, no emotion, no people or memories... nothing. I wasn’t always like this though. I used to have a life, friends, family. My mind used to be chaotic and broken but at least there was something, even if it was painful. My eyes were like golden fire, Ember. I used to be the one who cheered up others and helped them. My soul used to be a rainbow, filled with every color and emotion to create a being of Creativity.
But... Life is unfair and Life is cruel beyond imagination. I had it all taken away from me, everything I valued in life. And now I’m here, broken and empty, slowly withering away.
Phoenix Light
The Sun. A being of Life, Destruction, and Light. Soaring high and radiating like a Goddess. As big as a giant but soft like water. Burning thousands of stars in its light. You would think this, astonishing and powerful being would live forever, never to die. But, this being has a curse. Controled by Time and Order, it must burn out and die for a long time, plunging the world and void into darkness, leaving it dormant of life. But, like a phoenix, it rises from its ashes and soars high and burns ebven brighter, restoring Life and Peace. A sun is like a phoenix, it dies but it will be rebirthed, stronger and better then before from the ashes
Killer Stress
Stress. The feeling of unrelentless anxiety and fear. What weighs us down at night, what makes our soul deteriorate slowly, like a snail. What causes stress? Well many things on a large scale. School, Family, Jobs, Friends, Peers, Wolrd Issues, Responsibilities, Emotions, and many other things. These things can lead to many more difficult things besides stress. Stress is like a cell, it is a starting block of a bigger problem. It can lead to a horrible and mind-shattering thing called Depression. This thing is not caused only by Stress but can be a leading cause. Depression is when someone is like an abyss, lifeless and emotionless. They may be sarcastic and cold or they may act like everything is okay and smile to hide it. Stress is not an easy thing to deal with, but it is a part of life, so we must all learn how to cope with it. That's what we have Family and Friends for right? To give us confidence and love to make sure we stay true to ourselves and don't get too out of it.