As I open my door to the trick or treaters up comes a figure dressed in all black, nails long as a vampire and teeth as sharp a lion. Blood tinge face and a unsteady gait. I dropped the basket of sweets and my heart begins to race as he keeps on getting closer and closer to me. He reaches for something in his pocket and I am about to reach for something in his pocket and I am thinking I am finished now. Just then he drops on one knee, flips open a box to reveal a diamond ring. Oh- no you didn't Max, you scared the hell out of me. This is so romantic and so halloween, so scary, and so loving. I pulled his mask off and placed a sweet seductive kiss on his lips giving into his proposal. He swept me off my feet and we cuddled until the sun came up. We were the happiest people on earth that night.
Why does writing have to be so hard?
You are putting your best on paper
Ink stained fingers on my keyboard
Why, Why?
What else do you need from me agent?
You are trying to put me down with your million dollar publishing deal
I had no idea poetry had stratification
The rich moves forward
While the middle class continues
To go through hardships