I was never one to sit still. There was so much world to explore, and I made it my mission to see as much as I could. I would pay people to just let me stay at their homes with them when I traveled. Hotels felt like I wasn't getting the true experience of the lands I visited. I remember when I ran into a situation that I couldn't buy my way out of. I was staying with a family who seemed alright. Typical nuclear family. Respectable children, quick with a "yes sir". Then on the day that I was to depart from them they informed me that I could not leave. I had to double check that I heard that right because I was staring at the front door, and it seemed like I definitely could leave as my exit was right there. They said they needed me. They said they had homed travelers before, but never anyone like me before. They protested my departure by making a wall in front of the door. I told them that they were being silly, and asked them politely to move. I began to just head for the door, and hoped that they would just get out of my way. Instead they all embraced me, and began sobbing. I felt kind of bad. I told them they were awesome, and if it was meant to be we would meet again someday. They wiped their tears away, and let me go. I'm planning a trip to see them again as we speak.
Tea time
Aunt Mable sat down and proceeded into her usual diatribe that I would always nod off halfway through on, and this time was no different. I woke up to her tearfully exclaiming "Why would someone do such a thing?" I attempted to probe her because this was unusual. I'd never seen her cry before, always only fierce rage. Try as I might though I could never get anymore words out of her, only tears.
I have said my peace. I have repeated myself multiple times, but at this point if you have not heard me it's because you're not interested. You're not interested in what I have to say, and deeper than that you're probably not interested in me, and that is my fault for taking so long to realize that. I'll do us both the favor and leave.