I tried resisting But your voice left my breath panicking I tried resisting But I ended up planted against a wall with your fingers being misleading I tried resisting I didn’t need a savior when your lips found the trail on my neck and ignite me I tried resisting Let me crash against your lips and forget who I am and my guilty conscious I tried resisting Infuse me with every drop of feeling you have to revive and get me drunk
I tried resisting … No more …
I’m forever blue with a mask of a joyful yellow
Like that fake smile grew on my face with ego
Hard to declare my dim red mind filled with anger
I rather bottle these mixed colors into a purple blur
Show me the real happiness if it exists beyond this black
I’m forever blue embracing a toxic mind of a plaque
My face is distorted like a rejected canvas
Forgotten where I threw my mask, so reckless
The soul of this lifeless body still roaming somewhere
My fingers toss and turn strands of a damaged hair
Carelessly chosen clothes considered decent for society
Drain all emotions that stained my face out of sympathy
Line a smile with a cheap lipstick for the sake of a show
They lied when they said ‘Be Yourself’ I know
You bleed ripples in my calm waters of sanity
Beautiful like angel never doubted my certainty
Can I drift in a boat made of your dreams, but alas
Little I knew your true self was loaded with ego harass
Didn’t think such fake symptoms just shaped who I was for your liking
Like an idiot followed your shadows of love didn’t mind asking
A false hope clinged to my arms to pull me again to you
Resistance grew an armor with such broken glass of your face in view
I may be fighting miles away from you with a shield of karma
I’m getting too embarrassed to say my love was made in China
Fractured Heaven
Watching the candle flame dance to my breath
It’s cold and lonely like an embace of death
Freezing fingertips plea to take refuge
Your words cause havoc in my mind and deluge
I’m controlled by emotions and can’t stop my tears
Heard you repeat I’m sensitive insecure about my fears
I’ve grown tired of waiting
My feeling towards you seemed dying
Cast your spell and keep me in a small heaven with a kiss
Should I stop telling you it’s still empty without your bliss
The Argument
On my side, I would turn my body heavily just to show my anger
I could hear you breathe while I fight my pride but it’s my cancer
Maybe waiting for you to apologize for my emotions
Never been the greatest in filtering my notions
Should I turn to face you and just admit that
Feed my thoughts with all scenarios til it’s fat
Hoping you won’t sleep and win this argument
I hear you turn again, why am I so unfortunate
Sudden heat closing to my back and an exhale glides on my shoulder
Your hands would wrap my body into an embrace marking this closure
Eyes are closed and my hands finds it’s way to hold yours
Like any argument we had with no loser or winner and no keeping scores