Job interview from Hell
Now, many of you have jobs you hate. Maybe you work in an office for 10 hours a day. Maybe you work at in costomer service. Everybody hates costomer service. But some of you might like your jobs. Maybe you opened the storefront of your dreams, or maybe you just love the employee discount you get for wherever you work. I happen to love my job. My name is Eski. Welcome to your job interview.
The type of business I run here is not conventional. Nobody who first comes into this life fully-grown and knee deep in finely aged blood opens a Superstore if you know what I mean. And I know you do. You see, this job is a bit more . . . involved than other positions. We take care of . . . problems. Promblem causing people that is. To be frank, we eat them and bath in their still warm blood. Oh, sorry for that bid of drool; I couldn't help myself.
It's a key nich in the workplace that we have here, Lucy-- may I call you Lucy?-- Without us, there would just be too many problem people for those mortals to deal with. And you know how idiotic humans can be.
The health benifits are marvelous too. You'd be suprised what a healthy diet fresh human blood and guts can provide. We even have dental!
I see your resume is a little barren; you're new aren't you? Ah, well, I am afraid I was looking for somebody with more expirience. You did not even list references!
I regret to inform you that you will not be execpted into this position, Lucy. I'd like to say that I'm sorry for this, but I have been hoping for this outcome since you came in.
The great demon Eski devoured the devil, Lucifer, and drank his blood with flourish. The expression on his face was that of pure ecstacy and evil. Once flesh was ripped from bone, he said, "Next interviewee, please."
The River
*beware this gets morbid and a little suicide-y*
As I stroll be the rivers edge, I let myself fall into its icy depths. As the cold dampness caresses my skin, and I sink to the bottom and breath it in.
My damp hair dances a lively ballet in the fast moving rapids. My now blue lips fix in a smile; I can't imagin a better place.
Myself, My Greatest Adversary
Who is my greatest adversary you ask?
Well I could name my worst teachers
I could name some cruel friends
All that would be lies, so I will tell you the truth
My arch enemy, my worst nightmare, my adversary
Is me
I am the one who wispers threats in my ear
I am the one who is cruelest to me
I am the one filled with hate pointed towards me
I am my greatest adversary.
I must work against myself
I am in constant competition with me, myself, and I
I hope I can win.
#poetry @finder
A Sonnet of the Ship of the Damned
Black water swirled around
Black oars splash in the sea
Can't try to run; all will be found
On a big dark ship is me
Ship of the damned crosses the Styx
Charon smiles under his hood
He knows we can perform no tricks
In our lives we were not good
Our big, black barge comes to Hades soil
We know we are bound for Tartarus
In the fields of punnishment, we will toil
No hope of Lethe or rebirth for us
Past poplar trees, we find our new home
Our dear pit will make sure we cannot rome
#poetry #sonnet #styx #afterlife #greekmythology
The Psych Ward
They've restrained you. You scream at them to let you go. They don't listen. You writhe and squirm and try to see a way out to freedom. You want it to stop. You've been wanting that for a while.
Tears stream down your face. "Just let me go," you plead.
"We can't do that just yet, Hon."
You aren't fooled by her smooth rounded face or sympathetic smile. She's pumping you full of poison and you know it. They also stole your belongings. No pen in your bag was left behind. You liked that pen.
Time is weird here. You were brought in moments ago, but the evil nurse has come with the next day's poison.
They've just untied you. They've said you will go see some kind of shrink. He's probably going to try to brainwash you. You try to escape any way you can. As you struggle and writhe, the nurses tell you that you should stay calm or else you'll be restrained again. They say they want to stop you from killing yourself again.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You hardly remember your time in the psych ward, but you do remember your anger and pain. You hated it there. And it wasn't your only time there. But that expirience is the reason you're alive today instead of dying with cut wrists as an undiagnosed schizophrenic.
#fiction #mentalhealth #shortstory #schizophrenia #secondperson