Black Sabath
Gone, all gone,
The reckless usage,
The waste, the poor choices.
Looking at the mirror,
Eyes bloodshot.
Nothing settles this,
There is no way.
I scream at the spider,
Who had the gall
To gloat over my burning .
Day of rest? Day of wrest.
Day of peace? day of piece.
Homophones drill through
The wall and through the ceiling.
I pretend it is the song
Of a rare bird, a rok perhaps.
They took a break finally,
I guess the kitchen or whatever
Can wait until after lunch.
At the moment, all solid values
Dissapear, and it like the uneven
Jagged edge of broken glass.
Fall Minstrel
what sound does
the love of the
mind make
when dew like
poppy petals
meld and
evasive as
Pegasus into
the sun, stars
and daughters
penned up in
dim classroom
halls as symbiotic
word-cascades of
mist and rainbows
that shift in antics
and minor brawls
so as to fall
all like
shadows from the nib
silver black drops
recessed at the
tip of some
to be bottled
glistening still
with a flood
of unfelled
#DescribeTheUnidentified #Challenge