Come, everyone!
Come, everyone,
come, and hear
God´s merciful calling
to all nations.
Don´t deny it, or
suffer lamentations.
Come, everyone,
come, and see
what beautiful grace
God willingly gives.
It´s only through this
that we can live.
Come, everyone,
come, and accept
this great gift
of salvation,
and do receive
your redemption!
Come, everyone,
come, and abide
in God´s everlasting
love and care.
Why would you pretend
to be unaware?
Come, everyone,
come, and think.
Why would you neglect
free salvation,
when you yourself
can produce none?
Come, everyone,
come, and share
the Word of God
for all to know
that Jesus does live.
Let His power grow.
-AZ (Naixin)
ALE LAB, First Instruction
If you´re reading this,
run over to the corner
that´s yonder the pits
where the red trash can lies.
Crouch down and bend,
I bet there are spies.
They are waiting for you,
sorry, I don´t mean to scare,
but just by the fact that you made it
means that they´re there.
Now hurry, run!
No time to spare!
Go over there and you´ll find
protective gear to wear.
Got it? OK,
now run to the lab.
There you´ll find more instruction,
and you´ll know what went bad.
It was never our intention,
and I know that you know,
that the experiments we made
had never lost control.
Until now, this day,
to much dissatisfaction.
I know that if you´re reading this,
you took part in the action.
Well now that, finally,
it went wrong,
I´m sorry that you´re the only one strong
enough to carry this out,
but please do,
and remember that there is no time to pout.
Don´t get sad,
don´t get mad,
don´t burst out in tears,
because you are the only one here
who can actually put an end to this,
who can make it stop,
this huge mistake
that was all my fault.
I know if you´re reading this,
it already happened.
We made a zombie
and just couldn´t trap it.
So now that we started
the apocalypse,
I´m going to have to ask
that your lips
stay sealed
about what has happened,
of what has occurred,
and of what your task is.
Now this is enough,
in just one letter.
Do what I tell you,
the more precaution, the better.
Go to the lab,
straight to the fire
and burn this old thing
before the bomb expires.
Yes, there is a bomb,
I know you know that,
it will detonate three days max
after you set it,
whether you try
to regenerate it.
Oh, but be careful!
Don´t throw in the whole thing!
We might still need
this old diary.
Of course, please tear out the page,
it´s only this one we want burning in flames.
Now go!
Follow my other instructions.
You know where they are,
and if they´re not there,
they shouldn´t be far.
Either way, don´t worry,
it shouldn´t be a problem.
I believe that we have
talked of this often.
Remember, with care,
of all we´e gone over.
You can´t trust the ones
who on their shoulder
wear the mark
of the 2nd Order.
Go, friend,
and don´t loose heart,
you mustn´t let them
tear you apart!
Run, hide, everything you can,
you must stop it now,
before you, like the others,
are also thrown down.
Written on September 21, 2015
Specified use of ALE LAB only.
Diary, and therefore private property of
-Dr. Ad.Z
This Short (Apocalyptic) Poetry
December 7th, two thousand sixteen,
Let´s begin with some short poetry...
I know, I know,
¨it´s sooo not cool¨.
But hey,
stories can be written as poems, too!
I always do this,
I always have.
But today it is different,
I write, though not glad.
It´s hard to find words
to express your feelings
while writing a poem
and enduring bone chilling screams
that echo and resonate
at most unexpected moments,
all things that do happen
while facing a zombie opponent.
Now let me tell you,
as I finish up,
about these zombies
who just won´t give up
trying to take over the world,
humanity in it,
until all people are gone,
and with them their outwitting.
The wit of the humans
to actually fight back
while undergoing
a zombie attack.
Because truly,
truly I say,
that this is the start
of the apocalyptic days.
The final days
in which we prove our right
of owning this land
at great sacrifice.
The freedom of man
to remain as he is,
and not have to take part
in that awful zombie bliss.
But now, oh friend,
I have to go,
and I put down this pen
with so much sorrow,
not knowing when the next time shall be
that I write in my notebook
this short poetry.
-AZ (under the code name Naixin)
Sinlessness is Innocence
They told me to write
a simple poem
about when I lost my innocence.
Now I have to ask them
what kind of world we live in
for there to be such a thing,
a thing that makes someone lose innocence.
Something in this world
that causes people to fall
from the childlike innocence
that used to encompass us all.
Or did it really,
ever reign
over a naughty child,
who would never behave?
Because now I have to ask you what innocence is,
what defines it,
what drives it,
and what’s within
your heart that makes you ask
when I lost my innocence.
Oh, I tell you it was long past!
Because we did not lose our innocence
when we reached adulthood,
or when we left the mother’s nest,
neither when the girls became women,
or when the boys became men.
No, we lost innocence
the very first time we sinned,
and knew it.
At that moment all innocence was lost,
and we could feel our bones crawl
with fear of what mommy had to say
when she found her fallen, broken vase.
Since that moment,
we knew sin.
And that took away
all sinlessness,
all innocence.
Sinlessness is innocence,
and therefore I know none of you have it.
So now I have to ask you
if you truly remember
when you lost your innocence,
or if you’re happy to move past it?
Because truthfully I tell you,
that for me it is a shame
that us wicked humans
love playing the game.
That game of sin,
the throwing of dice,
just wasting our lives
on foul malice.
Humans love their sin.
How awful that does sound.
But it is true,
for I know most of you do, too.
No matter how hard you’ve tried
you mess up,
you fall down.
It’s human nature
that just none of us have
that innocence depicted
before Eve and Adam.
The true, last question lies
silent, untouched.
Now let me ask you,
prepare for the punch.
Here I ask
if you really care
for all the bad stuff you do,
or if you love sin’s flare.
If you actually feel the guilt
that brews inside,
or if you just push it down,
all troubles aside.
Because this is important,
yes, it really is,
whether you love your sin,
or hate it deep within.
This is what causes us to fail,
the sin of the world
and its hard,
blinding veil
that covers the eyes
of so many of us,
not allowing us to see
past the evil of lust,
of lies, of anger, of deceit,
all things we’ve been victim to,
or perpetrators of, too.
All evil things that truly we do.
But brother, sister,
I have good news!
There is forgiveness
in this world, too!
All you must do is speak out,
take action.
Forgive one another, repent,
in spite of all infraction.
Knowing that not one human has innocence,
we are all sinners alike,
the only difference is our reactions
to the sinfulness that's alive,
if we love it, or hate it,
ditch it, or embrace it.
Innocence? No,
none have it, not one.
For all of you have known sin,
and all of you have done at least one
mistake that caused you to fall
from the innocence that
does torment us all.
Because innocence was lost
long ago,
on that first apple bite
that caused so much sorrow.
So all of our stories
should be the same,
everyone sharing
the same type of shame
of having had sinned,
of falling from innocence.