Artist, activist, and lover of language in it's many shapes and forms. I write to capture life's many fleeting moments of wonder.
Prose Challenge of the Week #38: Write a piece of micropoetry about what summer means to you. The winner will be chosen based on a number of criteria, this includes: fire, form, and creative edge. Number of reads, bookmarks, and shares will also be taken into consideration. The winner will receive $100. When sharing to Twitter, please use the hashtag #ProseChallenge
Prose Challenge of the Week #29: Write a piece of micropoetry consisting entirely of onomatopoeia/alliteration on humanity or inhumanity. The winner will be chosen based on a number of criteria, this includes: fire, form, and creative edge. Number of reads, bookmarks, and shares will also be taken into consideration. The winner will receive $100. When sharing to Twitter, please use the hashtag #ProseChallenge
Write a poem with the words "words are not enough" no word limit. No rules but to have fun.
To the people I call home.
Faces blur and
foggy eyes
are a forecast
too well known,
when standing
here surrounded
by the people
I call home.
From you I’ve
learned so much
more than I ever did
in school,
and here, campfires
and poetry
became the newest
Together we walked
hand in hand,
and so together too
we fell -
rebuilt each other
piece by piece,
shook off the dust
of deeper wells.
I would tell you
that I’m grateful,
I would say
thank you if I
that those words
could ever come
to know
this feeling of
distraught -
but in my time with
you and you with me,
I’ve learned
an awful lot
about how to say
and I now know it
to be tough.
And I can tell you with
all certainty, that
words are not enough.
Prose Challenge of the Week #28: Write an acrostic using the word “Prose.” The winner will be chosen based on a number of criteria, this includes: fire, form, and creative edge. Number of reads, bookmarks, and shares will also be taken into consideration. The winner will receive $100. When sharing to Twitter, please use the hashtag #ProseChallenge