Verity Monet, a thirteen year old girl who has the desire to love. When she writes her heart takes control.
Another Religion Challenge
I challenge you, Christian, or not, to write one prayer to Jesus Christ. Even if you don't believe, say whatever you want (no cussing) just converse with Jesus for just 30 words.
Ended August 18, 2021 • 5 Entries • Created by VerityMonet
What is the Plot
Write what you guys want the plot for our book to be about.
Ended March 27, 2021 • 8 Entries • Created by VerityMonet
You In?
If you are in then make an entry. If you want to be apart of our Proservile bookmaking. XD If you need more time then PM me.
Ended March 27, 2021 • 12 Entries • Created by VerityMonet
Don't know how to delete a challenge
Ended April 9, 2021 • 15 Entries • Created by VerityMonet
In Honer Of @Carissa
I loved the responses on My sisters challenge. She showed how many people believe in the Lord that created all. When people didn't she would respond to them with an explanation. The winner of this will be decided by the people that put in a great effort. What are you supposed to do? Tell me what you would say about God to a non-believer.
Ended June 19, 2020 • 4 Entries • Created by VerityMonet
Write an apology note to someone you know and someone you hurt. Post it and really describe How you are truly sorry. While you do that I will try to say sorry to someone I love.
Ended June 20, 2020 • 12 Entries • Created by VerityMonet