Sanguis et Cinis
Once, in legend, came a race greater than any other left in the wake of creation. Nowhere in the light of the stars was a civilization this brutally destructive, this overwhelming. These beasts clawed and chewed their way through evolution with an unnerving smirk littered across their ravaged faces, leaving behind nothing but shallow remains of beauty. The evil that was possessed in these creatures was far surpassing that of all of the demons of the underworld.
The mounds of remains left in their wake are gentle reminder of the screams that preceded them. The wailing of children bellows from their homes, as loving mothers and caring fathers are shredded from existence. Tender sleep nothing more than a gift for these poor doomed souls. The sun disappears in the sky, replaced by an inferno of ash and smoke. When battles conclude, conflicts settle, and ash settles to the blood soaked dirt, no lives remain, and no progress has been gained.
It has taken the universe a mere second to create them, and an eternity to end them. The nightmares of the young could not contain this monstrosity of ravaged Hell. Humans are found only in the nightmares of death himself.