Through the fog
Through the fog I walk
As it gets thicker and thicker
Harder and harder to see
Harder and harder to breathe
It feels like a poison infecting my lungs
And spreading to every part of me
Infecting me
Mutating me to be a creature of the night
I should have never followed the illusion
I should’ve been smarter than to fall for this trickery
I cannot go back
There was never a way out
Take Care of This
Take care of this, I had asked of you
As I gave you the key to something special
The key to my heart
So you could marvel at it
And get to know the real me
However, it is still behind glass
I just need more time
Take care of this, I had asked of you
As I shattered the glass
Only for you, I had said
Taking your hand
As the fullness of my heart was exposed
But it is still in my possession
I just need more time
Take care of this, I had asked of you
Handing you the most precious thing I had
My heart
My fragile heart
I trust you with it, I had said
And that trust persisted
But only for a day
Take care of this, I had asked of you
This is what runs through my mind
As you smash it to pieces
Over and over
Never stopping
I can feel every hit
Every break
Every sliver falling
Just give it back, I whisper, wanting my pain to subside
But you scoop up my broken heart
And take it with you
Far away from me
Never again shall I see it
Everyone has a perspective
An outlook on the world
And perspectives are peepholes on how we view so many things
Some are full, positive, and happy
While others, are dark, broken, shattered, and empty
Perspectives clash
Clash harder than any war
Than the mightiest of armies
You see something I don’t
Something I will never see
And I want to see this person
I want to see your perspective
This me that you see sounds like someone I could never be
Though I may want it
I know it cannot be
For what is the truth to me is a lie to you
And what is true to you is a fantasy to me