When? Modified version of @brownini When?
When did I...
When’d I...
When’d I become me?
When’d I become this demon I see?
This apparition in the shattered-mirrored screen
Nightmares invading peaceful dreams
A monsterous compilation spinning constertnation-terror-screams
Amongst the dusty webs a tarantula creeps with care
When’d I become this force that make even witches weak with fear?
When’d I become what demons boast
And now occupy & host?
When’d I become what I used to dread most?
When’d I succumb...?
So willingly giving up my life & god-damned ghost?
Unholy creator spawned-leaping from the abyss
This creation of words lurking amidst deep cyber-mist
When’d decay appeal as ever-loving daisies?
When’d wiggling maggots drive me so ecstaticaly fuckin’ crazy?
When’d wails lamenting transmit like symphonies in empty opera halls?
When’d I desire exposure from de-socketed eyes littering floors?
When’d autumn turn death into a soul?
Coagulating warm blood
With October rain that falls...
When’d I crave hopeless whimpers & hear ’em as nature’s delicious call?
When’d I fancy girls as so many headless dolls?
When’d I shed my skin & adorn my wicked reaper skull?
Unholy babtism-in darkness I so anoint
All cacophony that once marked my transitional turning point
Now blurred by my victims’ deafening-endless echoes
That when is now!
I shall savagely reap whatever it is I sow
Spirit of gravity...forever attracting me...
To the firey core below...
Man with the Devil’s Lust
At the darkest hour before the dawn
his figure will quietly creep
seizing your mind if you’re awake
and your body if you’re asleep
Embarking upon his dirty deeds
his victim remains unaware
that the highlight of sexual misfortune
is lurking amidst a nightmare
If you, therefore, are the chosen one
you won’t know straight away
he will fondle you for years upon end
then enter his serious play
Hearing this from one who knows
he will turn you from happy to dour
So if you dream with incredible pain
just beware that darkest hour
There is no escape from this inhumane beast
He’s the “man with the devil’s lust”
So when you lay down, check under the bed
for the one they call Incubus