Perfect Synchronicity
Perfect synchronicity
The over-lapping of time
Pursuing reality in a vortex
A microcosm of days reshuffled
In a stream of holidays
Out of sync and unfulfilled
Solely based on retail sales
Christmas before Halloween
Santa Claus before candy corn
Easter eggs before turkey
Thanksgiving Day turned into Black Friday
Rushing refusal on high octane speed
Dedicated to the devotion of greed
No longer the goal post
From New Year to December
Rushing through life
Without stopping to breathe
Picture Perfect Personification
A trapezoid floating
A rhomboid winking its eye
Parallelograms creating highways
And magicians asking why
In search of a four-leaf clover
Under a cotton candy sky
A rhinoceros trading places
With an elephant passing by
A rhombus or a rhomboid
Whichever you may choose
Equilateral objects forming
Shapes you can’t refuse
A ground hog of any eater
Picture post cards piled high
A bathtub filled with ice cream
Hippopotamuses don’t lie
Himalayan mountains
Rising tall they occupy
The vastness of a daydream
As a circle will signify
Forever is forever
In a quantum theory pie
And love will shine forever
On a field of butterfly
A primrose principality
Filled with rose buds that codify
Sea side empty spaces
No longer occupy
The legend of tomorrow
As a Queen must verify
In timeless permutations
Happy endings you can’t deny
Reflecting on the distant past.
Cause and effect…
What causes people to do things?
What gives them the right?
Where do they find…what?…in themselves?
How do they decide?
Do they know right from wrong?
Do they have a conscience?
Do they have integrity, morality, principles, ethics?
Can a life be so focused internally
that they only see their selfish needs?
A fleeting moment.
A candle in the window
lighting what?
Lighting what way?
A wrong path.
A path
Forsaking illusion.
Denying others.
Laughing on the way to the bank
at the expense of others.
Incomprehensible lassitude of humanity.
Pasted on a template of infamy.
A Bleak November Day
A bleak November day
Shades of clouds drawn
Tightly to the sill
Forests of pine trees shiver
As snowflakes hover overhead
Song birds huddle in nests high aloft
Hunkering down against the cold
Too soon for winter and yet a dampening chill
Envelopes the landscape
In gray that permeates everything
Except the hope of tomorrow
That brightens the sky
To drive a bleak November day
Into another forgotten memory
Smoke rises from chimneys
as the scent of firewood
permeates the air
And the briskness of the
new season
radiates well-being.
Squirrels gather the last vestiges
of fallen acorns
amid the lingering leaves of autumn.
Time meanders like tumbleweed
across the prairie
searching for a place to settle.
Artifacts of daily life
no longer needed
dissipate into shadows
As the moon grows
from crescent to full
before the new dawn.
And the aroma of firewood
transports the senses
to places unknown.