If you get to spend your life with your soulmate, you are devastatingly lucky.
Meeting them is hard enough, but dating them and marrying them statistically is next to impossible. 7 billion people. One of you, and one of them.
Sadly, no, one of the saddest things is that,
People settle for comfort.
They settle for money, for stability, for family approval.
And while I’m not saying that’s bad,
How can you live your life without ever finding out the big what if? Perhaps I'm overly naive or hopeful, yet I wonder. Can you be content? Can you stand to spend your life with someone else? And leave your soulmate to someone else?
I’d rather be living paycheck to paycheck in a raggedy apartment if it meant I could dance in the rain with my soulmate, watch old movies and think ordering chinese food is a treat. I know with capitalism and the way the world works, it’s not that easy. It's not that clean-cut. But love isn’t either. Love is incredibly complicated.
We all burn brightly, but only for a glimpse in history. Wouldn't it be a shame if we never tried to find the person we were meant for? Never tried to make it work? I’d rather give my life to the what if, then spend all of my life wondering about it.