Really Overused
I would like to say the word that I think is most overused is~ like.
It can be used in like so many ways.
Like when you like someone.
When you like something—
Maybe even when you like have to give a speech to the class, or get ready for a debate & you end up using like in like almost every sentence.
One thing I have discovered is that sometimes I like to use like a lot.
What more can I say, like, it is a likeable word.
I’m not sure when it was first used, but it’s been one of the words that I’ve like used a LOT since my early days as a kid.
My sister and I would use it almost in ALL of our sentences as kids.
Until my one of our cousins couldn’t take it anymore (I guess it kinda, sorta, got on his nerves, maybe)
Anyway, he helped us to develop more vocabulary and build on using other words apart from only the one word we really liked.
Hmm, I guess I have to remember to thank him for helping my sis and I with our use of mostly using like whenever we like wanted.
[After using this word so much I had to double check if I spelled it right.]
Thursday, 23 April, 2020
Fucking fucktoids, I love saying the word fuck. It is perfect for any fucking situation. Hare your fucking mother in law? Fuck her! Fucking want to get laid? Go find someone to fucking fuck. Finally get those fucking concert tickets after fucking waiting for a fucking hour for some fucktard radio host to fucking ask you the simplest shit on earth? Fuck yeah! Now, we're going to fucking go see Katy Perry in fucking Illinois. I've never fucking been to Illinois (Maury determined that's a fucking lie), so I'm so fucking excited. For fuck's sake I'm so easily fucking distracted. Anyway, fuck is the best fucking word on this whole fu-- Oh fuck, was this one of those fucking "PG only" challenges? Fuck!
You promised you wouldn’t leave me.
You promised you wouldn’t hurt me.
And yet, you left me to stitch up the lifeless remains you broke my heart into.
It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
How you made so many promises you thought you could keep
You believed you could keep.
How you made so many promises you thought would make me feel better
Would make me feel loved.
How you used the word ‘promise’ just to give me hope.
Fake hope.
Anything worth my time has always used beautiful.
Such a wonderful all-purpose, non-offensive, up-to-interpretation adjective.
The night sky, with twinkling stars and speckled galaxies
Christmas lights on every house for a solid two blocks
Amber crystals, glittered with flakes of gold and insect appendages
Grisly murder scenes with fresh blood, still warm and flowing out of severed arteries
Cobalt blue waters crashing into white foam on shit brown sands and cliffs
Glassy eyes, framed by crudely penciled brows and raccoons with streaks of eyeliner and trailed by tears of mascara
Voices at the gates, pitched to break glass at volumes meant to deafen birds and fish
The versatility and sensitivity of language in its context
... ah, well, about that...