I bleed.
I bleed out my soul in sound, sewing sweet melodies into the air, where they gently gloss over raw wounds, soothingly singing to them. Then I trace the lines of my new scars with a pen and create words for my angst, for my fears and tears and troubles, and find strength and bliss in deluding myself that pain is temporary.
I Play
I tighten my bow, and watch the rosin dust twist and fall as I apply it to the horse hairs. I screw in the knobs on my music stand, and put a new waltz, or song on the stand. I tune my violin, and I play. My fingers playing a fast song, rushing from string to string. My bow going back and forth playing each note. My thoughts escaping me as I play the songs. I play songs by ear, or by sheet music. I play fast songs, or slow. I just sit back, and play.
Chill Man!!
Sometimes, especially on occasions when I'm left to clear up someone else's cock up, I get so busy that my own work suffers, and when that happens I do tend to erupt.
I'm only human after all, but I am my worst enemy when I lose it - everything goes out the window and I just don't give a damn.
Mount Yowwa is in the process of erupting, covering everyone and everything within a two mile radius in bile and bad vibes.
That's when I need to calm down, so I find a quiet place, have a cup of tea and just spend five minutes gathering my thoughts and zoning my emotions back to calm waters.
It works every time.