Voxx Coffee Challenge
Alas I confess I cannot transgress
These laws of physics and quantum systemics
I'm stuck on an island entirely my own land
And though I like coffee I'm working for toffee
So clean up your Voxx I shall not pass the docks
For a ferry to New World I'm caught in the old world
And though I'm so willing to take the top billing
I just cannot make it and just will not fake it
My shift is unending my patience is pending
So make mine a Latte and leave it at that, eh!
To the lady who unlocked the bathroom with a key while I was washing my hands.
Posted on the door to the restroom is a sign that says something like, "to prevent embarrassing situations, customers MUST take the restroom key into the bathroom with them."
I'll be quick, I figured, and hey, at least I got my business done before she walked in.
I'm not really that embarrassed, despite what the sign alluded, and I hope you aren't offended. I enjoyed the way you said, "Oops, sorry, man."
That made me realize that you are probably pretty cool.
This Cat
It's hot in here. And despite wearing a coat, this cat seems quite cool. He knows exactly what he has to do, eyes glued, laser focused, to a laptop screen amidst this coffeehouse scene. Caffeinated efficiency. A squeaky-clean mentality. And subtly, this guy is radiating positivity, a most positive quality if I myself must emanate pure honesty.
The Pitcher in the Rye
Tech savviness drips from his lips, his fingers twitch, he itches to switch up his pitch.
Just one more stitch.
Onboard the dashboard, wait.
Let's fast forward to the future with no cords.
We must capitalize.
We see the prize in his eyes.
He's got pride in disguise.
Customer acquisition is his sole position. Launching mergers until his critical function reaches the unknown junction.
This guy could sell meat to a vegetarian, he could make a Buddhist out of a Presbyterian,
Suspend your disbelief, he mutters,
A milky magician, he's got the cow by the udders.