If you are reading this, well safe to say I realized just in time: I have a lot of explaining to do. There are things I haven't told you, a great many things in my life that I feel deserve clarification. I can never apologize enough, so I don't pretend to make this book-- a book I hope but will not insist only you as my wife and next of kin read-- an apology and nor is it an excuse. My name is Koki Nimura and many events, escapades, in my life were not what could be considered normal. I was fifteen. When I received the inspiration for my manga Sweet Flavor.
JZ is a prestigious company these days, it always had been. You see I never mentioned it was that company which hired me on as a temp and coffee boy. I didn't tell you that the man at the top at the time, was Kimochi Idahaya. Doing the math, it would have been all too easy.
He'd quietly been removed from the publishing company that had been in the family since it was built. Three or four, I'm not sure. The media nor either CEO released a statement on what the "unknown scandal" was, simply that there was one.
When I was young there was-- a rumor-- quite the silly rumor. You see, coworkers in the office had the ludicrous idea, that Idahaya-san was sleeping with a fifteen year old temp.