The Future
We plan
5 years
10 years
20 years
Into the future.
Mapping out our whole life.
And for what?
It never turns out the way we thought it would.
Little fantasies of the perfect life that God will never give you.
No matter how much you strive for it.
Wrapped up in glossy paper and ribbons, now torn to shreds.
The present inside was a mere pence to what you were expecting.
But we continue on this path of planing
Thinking somehow
This time
It will work out.
But is doesn't.
Because the future is unknown
Always changing
Farther away from what you had hoped it would be.
Because this is reality.
And in reality things are hard.
We don't get fairytale endings.
The main characters can die.
At anytime.
Relationships fall apart
Even when they swore forever.
Companies fail.
Jobs are lost.
Even when you have sacrificed family and time for the sake of being a good employee.
People can be cruel and do unspeakable things
For their own gain.
Fall apart.
At a time.
The assumed promises
Are broken
The future
Is the biggest lie
We will ever believe.
We foolishly believe
We will live it.
over and again
the black, dark
a dark black hole
blackness fills space and time
the dark unknown
obsidian jewels glimmer then fade
ebony, sleek ebony
shines along the edges of a pit
a pit that fades and reappears with time
when suddenly, there's more
unknown then you thought there was
and then you realise that so little words
can describe so much when
you stare into that big black dark pit hole
of emptiness that you try
to fill with facts that clutter up the space
and add some decor to the listeless walls
but in time, the dark pit hole space black expands
and then you have to keep going
relentlessly poring over textbooks and pages
trying to find websites and people to talk to
trying to learn as much as humanly possible in this life
to try to prepare yourself for what you know lays ahead
to try to prepare yourself for what you think lays ahead
to fill that empty empty so empty and dark black dark pit hole space
a cavernous cavern, and eating up all of your words and knowledge until
when you finally, FINALLY reach the pit,
everything you have ever planned leaves you, and
you don't know what to do.
Fear of the Unknown
The Unknown is probably the thing most feared by us humans.
We want to know the outcome of everything BEFORE we endeavor to try it.
Soon to be parents fear losing their unborn child or having one born unhealthy.
We fear death or when we are going to die.
We fear getting married, or divorced.
We fear going to college or getting a new job.
We fear starting a business. Being a business owner, an entrepreneur.
All the things we fear are because they are unknown to us.
You never know if you'll carry a baby to full term. My first grand baby was a month early only weighing 3 pounds, her second child was a week late weighing 9 pounds. Both were healthy, thank goodness, but we feared the whole time, not knowing if delivery would go well or if she would need a C-section.
We don't know when or where we are going to die unless we plan that ourselves. I highly discourage anyone from doing that! It's not worth it. (In case it doesn't work as planned)
We don't know if we will have a successful marriage!
I surely didn't know how I could financially manage life on my own after divorce... Supporting a family.
Going to college can be scary and exciting.
Starting a new job is nerve racking, hoping you get along with the boss, etc.
Being self employed has MANY unknowns! And it's scary as hell! And I fear the unknown often.
Just because we do not know the outcome, let's not allow fear to paralyze us.
Keep on moving, start from scratch and keep on scratching.
Eating away the sanity that was so secure just a short time ago.
You don't know whether you'll make it
The unknown
The memories that slowly cut you
The unknown
"Will I have this again"
Each blow
Harder than the first
...and yet each time you stand up.
Only to get knocked down harder
...the unknown.
Because your mind is racing
"How can I survive when I don't know what's next"
Living day by day
Survival is a bitch
Because you're told its the right thing to do
Says who?
Everything you planned
By the unknown
You sit there broken, wanting to be healed
And still fearing the unknown
"His eyes were unknown
The sweetest unknown I'd ever seen.
They were something I wanted to know.
I wanted to fall deep inside the unknown that was him.
I wanted to know what he hid from everyone else.
Just to know ....... You know?
He slipped through my fingers
And everything I thought I knew
Slipped into the unknown
And I was left knowing nothing."
And if I had just knew nothing or knew everything
My mind might be at ease.
Here I sit again
Halfway in
...into the unknown
You think you know
Thoughts come and go
But what's really known?
Nothing's been shown...
Days go by
And so do lies
You know things die
So why hide?..
Life's a journey
So stop your worry
Don't be in a furry
Until your love is buried...
Love's a phase
That sends you into a daze
Trapped in a maze
For days and days...
But in the end
Your ultimate fate
Is hand in hand
With those you hate.
I've been thinking about you
Don't leave me, unknown
I've always strived to see your shadow against a white wall
Don't leave me, unknown
When the sun rise up above us
When the moon shies off underneath our blankets
We own it, love
Don't leave me alone
I've been thinking about you.
at the end of a hallway
looking out the window at night
there is a sense of coldness seeping through my warm blood
going through me and taking over
under the bed
inside of your head
is there a demon waiting?
lurking through the cover of darkness
stealthily destroying all sense of confidence
where is the light?
i can't find the switch
i'm just reaching out into the dark
a void filled with the unknown
the present is all you know
and maybe some of your past
and your future is all that's unknown
KNOWING a tiny bit of the UNKNOWN
Remember being born,
Exiting Mom’s womb into this world?
Were you concerned about hunger
As you searched for a life giving
Sweet nipple?
Concerned whether she would keep you warm
Or that you might be dropped by Uncle
Or have your neck strained ’cause he didn’t support it
With his other hand?
And that soft spot on top of your head!
Do you remember worrying about
Little sibling pushing on it?
That was the Unknown
Today, you don’t remember,
But it must have happened
'Cause you have a belly button
What is the known?
Very little, actually
Even now, little is known
There are no eyes on the backs of our heads
We know little of who is watching us as we walk
Through the mall or sit in class
Or sleep
Little of what is said about us do we know
Little control
A speck of
What we think reality could,
The Unknown is infinite,
Without quarrel or debate,
Reason is known,
Easily won argument
Confer, seek intelligence of our kind
Ask her, ask him
None knows, ever has known
Or ever will
Otherwise omniscience
Would be the title won by such a one . . .
Case closed.
At night we sleep; we don’t know
Helplessness is the Unknown
A piece of eternity
Is it eternal sleep?
Speculate, theorize, philosophize
Death is the Unknown.
How far is paradise?
Is there such a thing
Some call heaven, or worse
What is it?
The Unknown is fear when faced with these
Whether real or imagined.
Yesterday came and we remember little
Today remains the same, tomorrow Unknown
So much of what we know is Unknown!
Unknown . . .
What is going on the other side of the world?
We know most of insect species are Unknown
Most remote places of Cosmos - hidden string theory
Universes existing mathematically feasible
Physicists theory
Still Unknown
Does she love you truly?
Will he love you tomorrow?
Are you sure you know where you’re going?
How much do you know?
Will the knowledge you gain in your lifetime -
Is it transferable?
Infants we were
Infants we are
Regardless of time, age or knowledge gained
Infants we remain
Even to wrinkling, dimming and weakening
Of our bodies
I Know someone.
She goes by the name of
I Know that
Faith takes good care of her babies