I’m a Catholic. You’re a Jew. And I’m Totally Okay With It.
Once upon a time, there was a Jewish boy. Born from a mother who wasn't wed.
There was a star on the manger where he slept, and a king was jealous, they said.
As he grew up, at the age of thirty, He had 12 close friends who were his disciples.
By and by, each village start to know, For they preached, a man who could do miracles.
He ate with the despised tax collectors, Even had a disciple who was a zealot.
Some were fishermen, and also a doctor, Sinners' hearts he touched a lot.
The government, was alarmed, The Pharisees, the Sadducees, even the high priests,
Were scared of a man who claimed to be the son, of God, the One they still teach.
To the Christians,
He was the Messiah, who could change the world,
He was the Teacher, who taught how to love.
He was the Friend, who sinners treasure most,
He was the Son, whose power is the purest dove.
To the Jews,
He was a bastard, whose mother didn't marry.
He was a fallacy, whose teachings we need not listen.
He was a problem, who posed a great threat to the government.
He was a traitor, who turned his back on his own religion.
Up until now, a hatred still separates,
The religion of the Jews and Christians.
Yet more anger seeps in their mouths,
Demon possessed, morality begone!
Jews, be careful of your tongues!
We, Christians, would be grateful,
If you won't call us cowards for believing,
In our God, and in Jesus, the hope of our people.
We understand your contempt,
Of the man who you think betrayed you,
But if it were such, that hatred is still there,
The keep it in your mouths, please do.
And Christians! You hypocrites.
Aren't we told to forgive and understand?
It is indeed reasonable, that they think so lowly of our God,
And as much as our hearts beat for justice, it is in His plan.
Think of it as a test, a test to love our enemies,
And if not, then as our morality, our open-mindedness.
Little joys of life
I've always liked Christians. I don't know, there has always been an attachment to them since a very young age. I've met so many in my life. I have many friends of this religion who are so to me that I'd be ready to sacrifice my life for them if I have to.
Christmas and Easter have always fascinated me so much to the point that once I asked my mother's friend (who happens to be a Christian) "Does Santa really visit you on X-mas?" I've always awaited for 25th of December where we would go to her house just to adore that beautiful Christmas tree and get a taste of her delicious cake (and cookies that I'd get when we left their home with a not-very-eager-to-share expression). It's always been wonderful to spend time with her family.
My whole family has always welcomed and supported all sorts of people, regardless race and religion because there is no religion higher than humanity, is it?