Umbrella of Darkness
Moon shields face
in ragged shrouds
Secrets crushed
by darkest clouds
diamonds lose luster
extinguishing light
sheltering my soul
umbrella of darkness
famine of the unknown
clamp of life’s torments
cacophony of moonbeams
dissonance of unseen love
spinning of onyx night
moon skin-deep in sorrow
entwined with filtered fog
eclipsed emotions
midnight blue thoughts
obscuring truths
moody night churns
moon gnashes teeth.
#concept of death @stream of consciousness
Death or Life?
Every breath you take could be you last.
Your body doesn't promise you that the next heartbeat will come,
And that's okay.
For many, death discreetly dictates there every move.
Limiting people from experiencing amazing things.
You only get one life,
Make it count.
You can't live in fear of death,
It's pointless.
Death is going to happen.
It's just a fact.
No matter how much bubble tape you smother around yourself.
So why would you halt your life in favour of death?
Try new things,
Live life with abandon.
Embrace change.
Don't be afraid to risk it all.
So when the day comes,
And your time is up,
You will have no regrets.
Everyone is certain that at the end of this state of perpetual trip, regardless of who or what is or was the source of the collective high, there will come a cessation of Being of whichever Being you now find yourself to be.
The mass concensus of the bodily woes huddle around fear and sorrow: selfish feelings stemmed from our own contempt for the unknown.
We are afraid of the goal we are meant to achieve.
Life is like a marathon in which each contestant grasps and claws frantically at bystanders and barricading objects in an attempt to anchor themselves within the race, feeling a sense of dread and sorrow for competing runners who were unfortunate enough to reach the finish line.
My current understanding of death(which might therefore be considered my understanding of most things in life) is minimal at best. Be that as it may, if I don't remember being born, in spite of all the photographic evidence and anecdotal accounts from my elders, why would I believe anyone who tells me I will one day reach a cessation of the only reality that I can whole heartedly believe to even exist in the first place:
Being Me.
@apromptaday #apromptaday