it’s the unseen that touches our hearts
a hand wraps around the wrist, tapping my veins
my shattered in-betweens
how does it feel like? ( eyes gaze back , dark matter covering the skies that still swallow creation )
do you wish me to speak in words?
no, only in love
I get lost in my thoughts, you know ( a gentle touch presses on skin that speaks of moonbeams counted only in limitless space.. just feel , don’t think )
nothing about you is lost , all is found in me against you
( hazy orbs painted in blue drift to endless rivers, a silent stream washing over my sins )
not lost in the vastness but in your soul, eyes painted deep
so don’t count my darkness , sip my light with the lowest of sighs
( hand traces with unhesitant fingers, warmth gliding to an elbow
sinking in the hollow of my bones )
I breathe you in like the heated sun ( words glide out as if water over smooth pebbles, each one that of different named color.. sweet in taste, fresh like blooming leaves )
tell me more , you have already begun
it feels under my soul, these lungs and spreads to this chest
( my empty hand moves up, tracing air as if searching for something,
invisible doors to something so close to my reach , and yet so far away )
go on...
it doesn’t just feel , I taste it like summer rain
so gentle but with fire under my feet, it travels to my bloodstream
it moves on my tongue
and how does the fire taste like? ( this voice is tender, calm.. but it rages in heat
that I can feel within me )
it tastes like you
( just a whisper on top of flames )
again... how does it feel
( soft pressure, an opened chest that grabs me
and my willing steps met in silence.. my vibrations against you )
it feels like home... but you already knew that
knowledge wasn’t the thing that I longed for, since I met you
just murmurs
as you grazed my soul with yours
Feels good man
Now that I've answered your question, I'll use the rest of my words to answer another, one that has captivated scientists, philosophers, and 90s dance music afficionados alike: what is love?
Disclaimer: I've known the undivided, passionate attention of a tall, smart, beautiful girl for a grand total of about three hours in my life. The rest of my experience with true love is second-hand. Now let me tell you the gospel truth.
I allowed Disney and the Catholic Church to define it for me as a kid, because unfortunately my parents never showed me anything that would count. They married for a clear objective: he was 40, she was 35, and they needed kids. In a moment of unguarded emotion, my dad also admitted that he liked my mom's cookies. I wish he was being metaphorical. Receiving the definition of love from Disney and church is all well and good if you're a girl, because guys will come to you. All you need as a girl is a set of standards to sort out the idiotic fuccbois and manipulative niceguys from the real men. As a guy you need to be a bit more proactive; I knew there was a problem when Jesus and Santa never answered my prayers for a girlfriend under the christmas tree, year after year. I became so demoralized by the experience that I even stopped believing in Jesus.
Without any further guidance for how to find love, I latched onto the first idea that seemed promising, and became the world's most prolific, least successful pickup artist. Pickup isn't a set of tricks so much as it is a philosophy. First and foremost, you must believe yourself to be worthy of love. Otherwise, when you compliment her hair and introduce yourself, you will feel and come across as a used-vacuum salesman. It doesn't feel good. Then she'll smile at you and say "nice to meet you!", which somehow feels even worse. I've heard that line so many times, sometimes accompanied by two taps on my shoulder. Never one or three, always two. I wish they'd spit in my face or spill their drink on me. At least then I'd know that I elicited an emotional reaction from them, and actually connected with them on some level. If you're having trouble loving yourself, then try giving yourself a reason to. What do you love in others? Attitude? Work ethic? Skill at a task? Emulate that. Always be improving. Once you do cultivate self-love, then you can work on acing the sociology test that the girl will present you with. But that's off-topic.
Here is what I believe true love to be, with input from psychologists and neuroscientists. It has three components. The loss of any one of these three will not ruin an established relationship, there just won't be any "true love" any more. Each of these components corresponds to a different chemical in the brain. Translated into english, the chemicals are:
1. Lust. You have to want to fuck. So guys, make sure your girlfriend is hot. If you aren't able to get a girlfriend that you consider attractive, then try harder. This is your happiness we're talking about. I don't even know what makes a girl want to fuck. If I did, then I probably wouldn't be on this website. I'd be out at the bars every night acquiescing more fuck buddies, business connections, and friends for life than I'd know what to do with. It probably has more to do with personality than looks; girls are weird like that.
2. Affection. You have to want to cuddle after you fuck. If Lust is when your body says "I love you.", then Affection is when your mind says it. This is Disney's conception of love; admittedly, it makes for a good subplot within a movie. You do feel affection for your partner, right? What qualities do you admire about them? Please don't say tits. A good answer would involve her objective virtues as a person. Conscientiousness, tenderness, ambition, whatever it is that you value. As an added bonus, when you do feel like it, cuddling has been shown to lower cholesterol, neuroticism, and chance of developing Alzheimers.
3. Attachment. You have to want to make her pancakes after you cuddle. Seeing each other becomes a routine, like going to the gym, except when the routine is disrupted, you get depressed. This is the mechanism that allowed our ancestors to remember who their partners were while they were not cuddling and fucking. Without attachment, there is no relationship, no monogamy, no way to effectively raise children. I've never had a girlfriend, so this is also entirely speculation.
There are three balls to juggle here, and if you drop one, your wife will secretly hate you. She will divorce you and take half of your house, your savings, and your testicles. Your kids will not respect you, and your parents will disown you. Your only friends will be lawyers, and only while you're a paying client. No pressure.
Your companion in pathetic longing,
Today’s musings
True love is when you love someone so much, whether they love you back or not. That you have to be fully prepared to let go at the right moment. If you truly loved that person it’s going to cause a wound so deep that you will feel incapable of loving anything else! The wonderful thing about these wounds are that they will heal, take as much time as you need. When you truly love you’ll know it because their happiness without you will cure those wounds faster than anything you’ve ever seen. You’ll eventually be able to see them with other people. You’ll eventually see other people. And I hope that you can love as strongly as you did before, because without that, there’s no reason to try to move on. Just stay put until your ready, until you love yourself as much as you did your significant other. It can take months, even years. But it will be worth it once you can experience what you’ve experienced before. It’s just a scar, get under it and cherish life!
Hell and Heaven
What have i done
To fall in love so easily
Can get my mind off you
Thinking when will i see u again
The sooner the better
Bcs my body is shivering
I will turn out to be dead
If you dont come here
and take me in ur arms
That will make me feel
Alive again
Rising from hell and
Falling from heavenInto a cage called
Love is dynamic
Love is dynamic
It can be sunny, summer evenings
Splashing in the pool and pink cotton candy
It can be forehead kisses and wild flower bouquets
Daisies Sunflowers Rainbow hearts
Love is dynamic
It can be thunderstorm and sneaking out at night
Family conflicts and hidden prejudices
It can be stolen glances and hidden notes
Forbidden, but never lost
Love is dynamic
It has many forms
The best kind is the one we cherish in our own heart.
What does love feel like?
Deep down
Only you can find the answer
love = bittersweet
It should feel like a warm embrace after cold nights of drowning in isolation.
It should smell like freshly baked bread being displayed on wooden shelves.
It should sound like giggles threatening to escape chapped lips after a makeout session.
But instead, it feels blue and lost on most days.
And I think that’s still okay.
Love creeps up on you in the good, the bad, and the confusing moments.
The Feeling of Love
Love is different for everyone. It is not only what the eye can see. It is deep, a deep and true feeling for someone or something else. It is a genuine feeling towards someone or something that makes you feel excited whenever you see them. Love gives you a flying kind-of feeling, like you can take over the world from the sky. Love can be towards a boy, or a girl, or a significant other, or a parent, a friend, a pet, etc. Love is meant for everyone. It makes you feel like you are special. That you know everything. Love gives you a sense of control, that if you love someone, you understand them. You know them. Love feels secure. If someone loves you, you feel all warm and cozy inside. It makes you feel at home. It makes you happy. That is what I think love feels like.
What does love feel like?
Have you ever felt a summer breeze, on an empty porch, only birds chirping lightly,
and the sun brought along his sun shades, so it's hot but not?
Have you ever passed a person that smelled so sweet that you drifted back to a song that loved you on the inside and reflected on the outside?
Have you ever woke up in the morning and smelt eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, and hashbrown gliding up your stairway straight into your being, and that scent alone picked you up and walked you down the stairs just so you wouldn't think you were still dreaming?
Love is all those things and anticipation of how soft something would feel against your warm face and knowing that this was intended for only you.
Love is a feeling that covers your body like a blanket covers a bed, and once you are under it, you don't want to leave because it relaxes your everything.
What does love feel like? You tell me.