Have you noticed how everyone writes about death? If you have why did you write it?
A collection of thoughts on death
Death is the light at the end of the tunnel.
It is something everyone expects but no one is ready for.
Accepting all and forgetting none, death will encompass everyone.
Death is patiently waiting for us while we are all moving slowly towards it.
Like moths to light, we are drawn to it and will never escape once we get too close.
Curiosity plagues us of a place you can only go once and never return from.
A Tanaga is a type of Filipino poem consisting with four lines with exactly seven syllables each with a certain rhyme pattern. Example: AAAA, AABB or ABAB. Can you make one about love?
You're given a chance to time travel, which path will you go? The past or the future?
When going on a journey it is always best to stop and appreciate the road you are on before reaching your destination. Why travel back to the past or charge into the future, when you can have a picnic right now? So enjoy your meal while you can because once you finish eating it you will have to face both your past and future.