Softness is Strength
No matter the social strata, whether we believe we are a mere creek, river, or sea - don’t forget - our power is in our nature.
On the surface, our softness and fluidity would seem innocuous, but we are clever. We could, as if murmuring streams, course daily through the veins of our city, weave through the rough spaces of cracks from nine, and easily slip in crevices and out by five. As if busy rivers, before pouring into the sea, nourish our support system or weather that in our path. As if the enigmatic ocean, full of secrets, carry hopes home or make waves to chip away at the status quo. All the while, we ceaselessly glimmer under the eyes of the sun and moon as we navigate our journey.
So, embrace our strengths and intuition. Intrinsically, our touch is soft so that we don’t break, and our mind malleable so that we don’t break. Gentle is our voice so that we may soothe souls, disarm egos, and coax out answers. See how we smooth stones?
We are water, earth, and the moon operating behind-the-scenes. We heal as we create. Never less, always equal to balance our complementary force. Our brawny counterparts could only imagine what we carry in silence within our bosoms; our womanhood is a realm they could not fully understand but should respect nonetheless, for we are essential to this dualistic dynamic of life.
I am a complicated, multilayered, multifaceted INFJ who embraces her feminine energy, creativity, and sensuality. They’re usually contained, swirling and bubbling around beneath the placid surface that is my skin until the tension pushes them to boil over. So I allow them to flow free to the surface from time to time - to be. To be seen and maybe understood.
A few people have recently expressed kind thoughts on my femininity, and I so appreciate that because I love being a woman. To be feminine is to be soft and tender, but it does not equate to fragility or subserviency. With that said, it does not make you less of a woman if you are not as gentle. Being strong or effective does not require that one always be loud, angry, or generally intimidating. There is strength in grace - in control. Take your time to measure your words, to be cognizant, and compassionate. Know that emotions (your own or others’) don’t control you unless you allow it and that you can be vulnerable without breaking. Be fluid enough that you are resilient, steadfast but not so stubborn that you are blind. Be confident enough to learn, (just) listen, and allow others to take the reins sometimes for doing so does not mean you are sacrificing your independence. Own your roles, body, feelings, opinions, and sexuality - don’t hide, neglect, or deprive yourself because of the fears and insecurities of others.
I’m inherently feminine but am ultimately human; there’s no need to limit myself by choosing to be one thing or another. One can be nurturing and still set boundaries, sophisticated and still playful, classy and still sexy, opinionated and still respectful, brave with somethings yet fearful of others. Lastly, the fun part - as a woman, you can enjoy primping from time to time while still maintaining practicality. Take pride in your appearance, as the degree that you care for your external self reflects how you nurture your internal self.
#opinion #nonfiction #femininity #womanhood #female