Leaky Faucets
Drip, drip, drip, let that faucet drip
Leak gently into the sink
It’s a deliberate purposeful drip
Moving slowly so the pipes don’t freeze
Full blast faucet
Splashing wildly creating a mess
Not only that but you're wasting water
What happens when you run out
Nothing at all?
What’re you crazy?
The frozen pipes will burst!
That’s one hell of a fix
So why don’t you wait to send that text
Why don’t you wait to press that button
Let patience take hold
Wait to let all that anger flow out
But don’t no do anything at all
We’d hate to have a flood
The cost alone
And the repair time? Jesus
Drip, drip, drip
Just let that faucet drip
Something’s afoot
This is a familiar place
Screeching brakes and roaring rails
The overhead speaker shouts so gently
yet , it’s much slower than usual
Losing elevation into the tunnels
Patterns of lights flashing by
It almost looks like a straight line
Picking up the pace now
This place houses strangers
Maybe an occasional friend
But mostly foreign entities
All playing the same patient game
Much faster now
Zipping down below the skyline
Although that won’t be clear
Till you leave the station
We’re sprinting to the finish
Horn blasting, conductors tired
This tunnel feels much longer than before
I might just be lost
Warm heat washed your face
Burning wood colored the ground
Blowing embers graffiti the black night
The red, yellow, and orange
Birthed a new age of emotion
One that replaced old sorrows
On this land
With these people
There is a home
Enjoy it while you can
Because don’t let the heat fool you
This warmth is only temporary
But for now escape
To an imaginary distant world
Fly away with those burning embers
A call to worship
The wind blew his hair
Whipping wild and free
The waves crashed underneath his feet
All he did was stare
How long would you fall
When would you want to stop
It didn't matter the water seemed so close
Murmuring Waves echoed like screams
The longer he stood
More thoughts rushed to his mind
His weight shifted
Standing at this familiar place
It was a devotion to him
Hearing the guilt over and over
feeling the immense pressure
Where else would a sinner go to pray?
The water started to make it quiet
Even from that far away
His throat closed up
He'd never been so thirsty in his life.
Melting (I know it’s cliche)
There's something I feel lately, Like a chocolate chip on hot summer pavement.
Maybe that's a good thing, I'm not sure.
This kind of feeling happens often, like it's biological or even a key part of me.
Maybe that's a good thing, I'm not sure.
It's not a feeling I can share, I don't radiate melting like I do when I'm joyful, furious or excited.
Maybe that's a good thing, I'm not sure.
It started when I was young, Like when I was lost and not sure how to relate to people.
Maybe that's a good thing, I'm not sure.
There's people that make me feel like this, Boyfriends, Girlfriends, Friends, pets, and strangers
Maybe that's a good thing, I'm not sure.
If the music is right, the lights are dim, I can even make myself feel like this, just alone.
Maybe that's a good thing, I'm not sure.
I felt it recently, melting, I was wandering in an area I'd never wandered before, overthinking concepts and events that I'd been around the block a thousand times with. I found myself standing on a bridge, the bridge was ornamented by litter and two padlocks imbued with the one of the same initials twice; As cars raced by below, the world began to move in slow motion, the headlights became lines of light painting neon yellow and orange racing stripes below, on this bridge I melted wishing there was no fence there.
Maybe that's a good thing, I'm not sure.
Urban Centers
Blinding headlights and busy intersections
blowing winds, plane cruising overhead
boats fly down the river, no worries of detection
trains zip by, not sidewalk dead
Constant noise
Loud never quits
urban cowboy
Ride through these streets
how can I find silence, on these noisy nights
it's not dangerous only loud
this skyline of booming clamor
never ending silly racket
Maybe the reason I feel so close to you
on this night that comes so rarely
here in this bed, in this room
in the darkness
It's finally quiet.
Faux Freedom
White robes and chanting
You see the target to save
Through the crowd galavanting
will you be quiet or brave
A sea of animal heads
dancing around
A woman nearly dead
not too late, don't get found
Your heart beats faster
action abounds
don't be scared of the laughter
the music slows down
the crowd creeps closer
screaming hellhounds
you yell look away
catching them dumbfound
run as fast as you can
the woman in a gown
stick to the plan
the town is southbound
Greeted by police
you're out of jamestown
forced to your knees
betrayed, and cut down.