Question :)
Hey! i think this is so helpful! im a christian btw :)
ive always wondered how athiests reoncil history and fact in regards to the bible with their beliefs? for instance, in the Bible, there is this one book that prohecys that this king, cyrus the great will conquer and rule perisa as well as conquer babalyon., and restore the jewish temple. then, a hundred years later according to the bible, belshazzar, then the king of babalyon is sitting during a festival, and this hand appears and writes that he is about to lose his city. and in that moment, cryues the great takes over. now according to the bible, this hand is God, and the story according to the bible, which is above, is exactly the same as the scrolls found that tell the SAME story just they dont know the hand is God, and archeology has proven they are real. so how would an athiest take on a story like this? Thanks!
“Just friends”
You see him, yet he never see’s you.
you talk about him, yet he never talks about you.
You love him, he loves another, better.
Your heart aches on, his fills with love.
Your almost there, yet you can never quite grasp onto him, he is always just out of your reach.
The loved and the unlovable.
knowlege and hope,
reality and truth,
fantasy and imagination.
What is the worst kind of pain they ask?
longing for a day that will never come.
The zebras and the lions.
The prey, the praise,
they Praise for days,
For days to amaze,
At the wide open haze,
That shows them their ways,
And where they can graze,
With summers bright rays.
And long scary stays,
In the predators maze,
With their cold hearted gaze,
and the prey, they bay,
For they did not praise,
for the predators gaze,
That now will cause lays,
from they prey that praise.
He was perfect. there is no other way to describe it. But just beacuse he was perfect, doesnt mean it was meant to be. In fact, it was the opposite. we were just two teenagers in desperately in love. clinging to each other for everything. He was nerdy, inexperianced, and he was older. I was the young, experianced girl, who was absolutely taken with him. I could'nt think of anyone else, could'nt dream of anyone else, could'nt hope for anyone else. he wanted to lose his virginity. He was so afraid of turning 18 and being a virgin. It scared him. I tried so many times to explain. explain he did'nt have to do it, that it was his choice and nobody else’s. But he would'nt listen. And then one summer night it happened. We lost it, in the heat of the moment, and the thing he had wanted to lose, was lost forever. He left me that fall. He was gone, to somewhere else, somewhere where he would be happier, away from my “toxic” influence. But there were always two things he gave me. he gave me innocence, and he gave me his love. And those are two things he will never get back.