It's not why you crumble - but how you crumble
Your prompts are: "I said not a word though it meant my life." / "I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down." / "Oh, but the fire went wild." Too many rules make Prose a dull boy so grab something and run with it. Dazzle me with your genius.
Ended July 10, 2023 • 9 Entries • Created by hunter_graham
The Boy Who Never Was
Re-imagine Peter Pan and the Lost Boys any way you please
Ended April 30, 2023 • 4 Entries • Created by hunter_graham in Fiction
Star-crossed Lovers
"All moths are in love with the moon," the old man told the child, "but the moon is a long way away. Too far for a moth to fly. Every night the moths come out and see the moon. They beat their wings harder and harder. Trying to fly higher and higher. So deep is their love for the moon, they do not stop trying. Until the effort is too much for their little hearts, and the moths fall to the ground, dead."
"So it was for Miguel and Josefina....."
Break our hearts with a tragic love story / the rest we leave up to you
Ended May 31, 2022 • 9 Entries • Created by hunter_graham
That Old Black Magic
bewitch and beguile us with a tale of the supernatural / simple as that / poem or prose
Ended May 4, 2022 • 10 Entries • Created by hunter_graham
no ifs ands or buts
can you write a descriptive narrative without using the pure form of conjuction? adverbs / subordinates / etc are all ok
Ended April 25, 2022 • 3 Entries • Created by hunter_graham
A Quartet
our challenge for you is to write dialogue - four characters - each has one line only - those four "lines" can be as long as you like - but should tell a story from beginning to end in just those four lines; from only those four characters
Ended March 25, 2022 • 10 Entries • Created by hunter_graham
The Lost Art
let's revive sonnet writing
Ended March 7, 2022 • 10 Entries • Created by hunter_graham in Poetry & Free Verse