washed out (edited)
you were my friend,
my anchor,
always one with the other
only, until the storm rolled in.
it was calm at first,
but slowly it chipped away at my ship
and pushed you away from me
my ship soon sunk,
and i washed up from sea
on an island long away from you
but you didn’t notice, in fact
you chose to sail away from me
for you thought the storm was prettier
than any memory with you and me
washed out
you were my friend,
my rock,
always two peas in a pod
only until the storm rolled in.
it was calm at first,
but slowly it chipped away at my ship
and pushed you away from me
my ship soon sunk,
and i washed up from sea
on an island long away from you
but you didn’t notice, in fact
you chose to stay away from me
for you thought the storm was prettier
than any memory with you and me
the dark?
a safety net
for a nest of bunnies
the rustling?
a doe
grazing with her fawn
the light?
millions of them,
lighting up the sky
that’s not right.
the dark?
a horrible shroud
of evil
the rustling?
they’ve followed me
the light?
or maybe their flashlight?
i can’t be out here
i’ve got to go.
it’s insane
it’s insane
what one word can do,
how one word can change you
“for better or worst”, truly.
it’s the sheer comfort that resonates,
for when she is secure in her love’s arms,
she feels the most safe.
or when his eyes meet hers,
he knows he’s found his home.
and there’s no better feeling
but is it love that becomes the worst
one could endure?
for if that level of trust is shattered,
she no longer feels safe,
he is no longer home.
and suddenly,
they wish to have never loved love
because it’s insane
how one word changed everything