People Watching
Conan Gray turned into a short story
That wasn't funny but he laughed so hard he almost cried. They're counting months they've been together, almost forty-nine. Mark's making fun of how Alex acted around the holidays. He wears a ring but they tell people they're not engaged. They met in class for metaphysical philosophy. He tells his friends, "I like Alex because he's so much smarter than me." They're having talks about their futures until 4am and I'm happy for them.
But I want to feel all that love and emotion, be that attached to the person I'm holding. Someday I'll be falling, without caution. But for now I'm only people watching.
I'm looking just to live through you vicariously. I've never really been in love, not seriously. I had a dream about a house behind a picket fence, next one I choose to trust I hope I use some common sense. But I cut people out like tags on my clothing. I end up all alone but I keep hoping. I want to feel all that love and emotion, be that attached to the person I'm holding. Someday I'll be falling, without caution. But for now I'm only people watching...
"I cut people out like tags on my clothing," I mumbled, sketching the house behind a picket fence that I saw in my dream. "I end up all alone but I keep on hoping. I won't be scared to let someone know me. Life feels so monotone but I still keep hoping... I wanna feel all that love and emotion, be that attached to the person I'm holding. Someday I'll be falling, without caution. But for now I'm only people watching."
I sighed then got up from my desk and put on a light sweatshirt, walking to my mirror as I do so. "Let's go for a walk, shall we? To the coffee shop as it's only around the block." I spoke to my mirror reflection.
"Danny!" my lover called to me. Such a nice ring to his voice when he says my name... I turned around and smiled as I saw him leaning against the doorframe. I walked to him and wrapped my arm around his waist, softly kissing his lips. "Hi, love."
I've finally felt all the love and emotion I've been wanting to feel. I'm attached to the person I hold. I've fallen without caution and life no longer feels monotone.
it really sucks
it really sucks when the person you always leaned on,
the person you always went to for a problem,
the person you loved dearly,
starts to hurt you.
it hurts.
he gets mad over the simplest things and he takes it out on you.
take for example,
a bad mark on a test or exam.
he gets upset and he hits you for it.
just one bad mark.
"you're such a disappointment" he said.
he said it so many times you're starting to believe it
i dont know what to do at this point,, so i felt like writing it out.
What have I done... ?
An excerpt from one of my stories that I have yet to name
Tw// Blood, Death
...Rocky sinking his teeth into Yuki's neck, the younger trying his best to get away. The older only sunk his fangs deeper as Yuki's grunts get quieter and softer as he's getting sucked dry of his blood.
Yuki's movements soon stopped and his body went limp. His grunting completely stopped and he lay there in Rocky's arms... lifeless and pale.
Rocky, realizing what he's done shortly after, started crying and hugging the lifeless Yuki tightly, mourning his dear friend's loss.
"I'm so sorry, Yuki..." he cried.
is something I need.
not from a blanket or a fireplace.
but from a close friend.
the warmth you feel from a hug given by that one person
is wonderful.
you feel warmer when you hug them than you do when you’re
under a blanket or near a fireplace.
there isn’t anyone close to me right now to hug
so I’m cold.
it’d be nice to be warm again...
Is this what they call... “love” ?
the feeling of butterflies when you see them ?
the heat in your cheeks you feel when you speak to them ?
the sudden bubbly feeling when they text or email you ?
that feeling of knowing they’re the one immediately ?
i don’t know if this happens to everyone.. but this sure happens to me.
maybe i found my person.. who knows ?