The Most Interesting Thing in the Universe
What is it? I'm just interested. Why do you think so? Write it however you'd like. This is just for fun.
Ended November 13, 2018 • 0 Entries • Created by kendria777 in Philosophy
Go out on a rage. What REALLY annoys you?
Ended February 24, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by kendria777 in Nonfiction
The saddest farewell in 50 words
Ended February 14, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by kendria777
What philosophy would you answer if you could?
Ended December 21, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by kendria777 in Philosophy
Once upon a time, there was a teenage girl with a problem. What's the problem, and how do you fix it?
Ended December 27, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by kendria777
Imagine you woke up with a magic power. What would it be and what would you do with it? Why would you want that power?
Ended December 19, 2016 • 0 Entries • Created by kendria777