Stop it start it all the same
stop not listening stop not listening stop not listening
start thinking start thinking start thinking
i’m not listening to the silence that becomes silent over and over again
over and over and over the silence twirls
repetitive silence repetitive silence
Fill the gaps
the broadcasted anger
the words trying to flow out, flustered by emotion
destroyed by anger
I cannot speak I cannot speak I cannot speak
You cannot comprehend, a match made in heaven
I want to leave, but I am trapped within this prison
of tears and sweat
some my own, some yours
You say you are not proud of me
I don’t care
A legal bond is the only thing that makes me stay
I want to fly
I want to stay by myself
with others
away from you
I’m kind of annoyed
Last night I was finally free
you told me to chill
last night I was open
you told me to close
last night I felt like I could dance across the stars, with the stars, on the stars
you told me i was wrong
Chill dude
there is nothing more chilling than for someone to say take a chill pill
how dare you take away my freedom
how dare you tell me to stop enjoying myself
how dare you tell me anything
what made you stop enjoying yourself
what made you stop having fun
and instead walk around telling others not to
I’m not sure
it doesn’t matter
you don’t get to dare
you don’t get to tell
you don’t tell off anyone except for yourself
oh how the tables have turned.
Primal Beast
Blood, Murder, Death
the human shame, yet
the names of our well known friends
the name ingrained in our heads, our first friend
Fear is the keeper of the beast inside of us
it has weekly secret conferences with anger in the courtyard
people’s friends before the beginning of their time,
joy, love introduced to fear, squashed
humanity does nothing to stop this, killing the beast would be killing a part of itself
Fear awakens, opening the cage to the primal beast inside us all
crashing, crushing, pure brutality
it is done
Blood, Murder, Death have seen us again
Believe in whatever you want, but believe in yourself
Thank god
Thank the god of god
Does god believe in another god or does god just believe in godself?
If god believes in another god then that god must not want us to believe in themselves.
But then why would god care about a god who doesn’t care about us
so does god believe in godself?
Does god believe in us?
If god doesn’t believe in us then god could believe in the other god
But if god doesn’t believe in us, who does? some believe in god
those same some should sum it all up and follow god’s example
believing in themselves.
Drama Llama
Drama King Queen Stop it.
Get over it
I can’t get anything
i don’t get it
I can’t get over it
the mountain just gets larger larger LARGER.
to climb it is impossible with each glare, each word used to cushion your statement. go away
sends avalanches down to paralyze my already frozen body.
you hate me
I don’t hate you
stop lying
to me or to yourself
get over your hate
get over yourself
Inspired by Kafka’s Metamorphosis
familiar figures familiargures familiarer and familarer family aha! that’s it
Grete Gretel Hansel Gretel run away children everyone run from me be scared of me
monster me? monster i monster. ugh the monster they say
i’m bad i’m evil i am an object of mass destruction. destroy destroy destroy
what are they doing? this is quite (quiet)
where are they taking it?
the good (is)old
find something save something
mother muster
do they care do they love do they do they do anything other than tolerate
tolerate people but i’m not people
i am a
run run run run
get back
in there((their)
life )
walk in walk out walk in walk out
to talk or not to talk
the conversation silences me
noise ends(all)
move in move out
talk or not
not to talk
walk in walk out walk in walk out
move fast
move slow
over and over again the cycle repeats
run away from the people
run away from the memories
run away from the pain
face your fears face your fears face your fears
face the people
face the memories
face the pain
How to face when I do not know my own face
hands face hands face
our face is nothing but our hands
hands move nimbly in and out the emotion
light to shadow, shadow to light
lightening the situation
foreshadowing darkness
creating the grey.