True Silence
True silence is not scary. It can heal a pounding head or a broken heart. Just step out side of the world and take a deep breath. Listen to the nothingness and let it take you by the hand. Have you ever heard true silence? If not, you may need to find it. For the forces of our crazy lives may be too much for our tiny brains.
True silence is a friend. It can guide you down the path of a long forgotten memory. Take a stroll and make sure your feet don't make too much noise so that you can listen to the nothingness. Silence can tell you much about yourself. If you dig deep into your heart, you can see yourself for the first time.
Silence can help you face you fears. Once again, inhale, exhale and over again. Pull on your strong face and look danger in the eye. Look closely at you villain and decide your plan of attack. Let silence be your guide.
Once again, you must go back to the world where you live. It will be the hardest thing you may every have to do. No longer can you cry freely, or be yourself, or laugh you heart out. Now you must look good for the world. Whenever you can't handle anymore, step into the silence, your comfort, your friend, your sidekick, and do it all over again.
One thing is sure: Silence, True Silence, is good for your heart, soul and mind.
What People Would Hear
If everyone knew my story,
they would hear my thoughts.
If my friends knew my feelings,
they would believe that I was an enemy.
Maybe that's why no one knows,
who we really are.
My thoughts give way,
to all my fears.
Every single tear that falls to the floor,
is because of a single reason.
Because for some reason,
we can't let anyone see us cry.
My thoughts swirl from,
the grade on my test,
to how can I keep my family safe?
Everything from secret emotions,
or my one true friend.
Seem to creep up on me.