you’re gone and i’m still here
people always explained heartbreak
to be exactly as the term describes
that you're broken
and falling apart
yet this isn't true
my heart isn't broken
just bruised
and throbbing
and with every painful pump
you're still in my veins
i don't break when i think of you
my life doesn't shatter
my happiness doesn't disappear
but nonetheless,
my heart constantly aches
only for you
a touch of death
we were laying in white
white sheets
white mattress
white skin
passing a cigarette between us
and despite the smoke
your apartment smelled like dead roses
and i felt like a fallen petal
i realize that the cigarettes will kill me
but maybe one day so will you
you're a murderer
in a lover's disguise
you're that much more dangerous
you could rip my heart out
and i would help you
i'm not suicidal
just a hopeless romantic
but perhaps
that's the same thing
i want to be an artist too
everything was perfect
there was me and you
together at last
it was bliss
it was pure ecstasy
it was the happiest i had ever been
but alas, all good things
come to an end
and so did we
so now it is me
and you, torn apart
by the hurricane that is life
i don't think i miss you
but i do miss
the idea of you and
the way you, like an artist
painted happiness
throughout my life
in that short period of time
you gave me hope
and i miss that
and maybe you, too
better alone
you can not force
someone to be
the person you need them to be
you have to learn
to be okay with this
that there are other people
in the world
to satisfy this thirst
some people are not meant
to feel everything
and although this isn't you,
you can't blame others
for misunderstanding your sadness
some people merely sit
on the flatline of human emotion
they do not rise higher
or lower
but remain
on the same level
the things i can’t forget
the look of your eyes in the morning, still glossy with sleep and the memory of last night's dreams
the way you knew exactly what i was thinking at all times, yet your truest thoughts remained an enigma to me
the soft touch of your fingertips as they trailed precariously down from my cheek to my throat to my rib to my hip
the sound of your piano keys plucking so beautifully in the middle of the night when sleep could not reach you
the heat from your body on the other side of the bed, approaching me, warmer and warmer, until you held me tight to your chest
the smell of your cologne that would linger on my sheets for days until i had no choice but to wash them
the feeling the jazz music you played left in my heart after the record ended, as if it were buzzing and more alive than ever
the pinch of your toes stepping on mine as we would clumsily attempt to waltz and spin and twirl around my living room
the comfort of your hand sliding over mine at the dinner table when you simply missed the feeling of my skin on yours
the moment right before our lips would meet, when you would look at me with love and lust and fear and passion
these are the things i can't forget, they are ingrained in my mind. i hope they stay there forever, for it is not my memories of you that haunt me, but the ones i have forgotten.
if you love me let me know
nothing happened
and while that saddens me
deep down i'm truly grateful
because without any real closure
no happy ending, nor sad
i think that maybe
i'll always be a little bit in love with you
you'll stay in my heart forever
as something that could have happened
something that we could have been
but weren't
so forever you will remain
encased in the purity
of my adolescent love
here comes the feeling you thought you’d forgotten
I fell asleep with a book in my hand and your fingerprints on my heart
I thought that loving you would make me feel something again
Something beautiful and fulfilling that would take away the pain
And though I may not be quite as sad, I am lonelier than ever
I fell asleep to the words of Fitzgerald but they should have come from you
There is something about the way your lips form my name that breaks me
I think of you and I dream of you yet by myself I remain
I am no longer sure if love is worth the rollercoaster of emotions it entails