I saw him again today, I had to look twice to make sure I was not dreaming. I wasn't. There he was, on his way to work once again only this time his hair was shorter and his pale skin wasn't covered by thick jackets as it was before. It was a brief second like it's always been but after not seeing him for a while it caught me by surprise. I still didn't know what to say. He was wearing a mustard polo t-shirt and though I've never liked that color after seeing him wearing it, it has become my favourite. He was still him, his tall frame pedalling away in his bike with a big smile at 8 in the morning, still as elegant as he's ever been. I still don't know what to say, I haven't since I started seeing him on my way to university. Two strangers walking in opposite directions casually running across each other while they head in different directions, it seems like something out of a movie only in this case the characters never speak. Will we ever cross paths as we walk in the same direction?
You had big hands and long fingers
big strong manly hands
the type that you could observe from a distance
and just know could hold you
could keep you
could build you a fire
to protect you from the cold.
I fell in love with the way you held the steering wheel
with a tight and confident grip
on the days you were on time
with one hand on the days you were too busy
fixing your hair with the other.
I watched your hands
felt them around me
pictured them in contrast with my small lonely hands
pictured how they warmed me in the cold winter nights
how they held me in times of trouble
and then i
let them go
as I kept on walking
in the opposite direction
and felt you pass me in your way to work
with confident hands
never leaving the steering wheel.
Love letter to the stranger in the bicycle
It was a whole semester i saw you down the street on my way to university. I fell in love with the sight of your hair in the wind, your nervous gestures when you were late and your glasses. Loving you from a distance was safe. You looked perfect each day, with your perfect outfits, your tall frame and your hair styled. I saw you each day as we went on opposite sides down the same street and isn’t that sad? How sometimes seeing you was the only thing that got me out of bed in the morning? How even though I was exhausted the thought of seeing you gave me life? Thank you. Goodbye. We’ll always be on opposite sides. You’ll never be mine and I’ll never be yours. Last time I saw you I decided I would rather go down the same path, down God’s path than to keep looking back. I chose God. I chose life. I chose His path and so that means we’ll always be on opposite sides. Thank you, it felt nice loving you, now I have to keep going, without worrying if your frame is turning into a blurred line. Take care.
With love,
The stranger in the other side of the road.
if you want to read more of these love letters I have a whole section in my blog.
I climbed a mountain
and didn’t tell you
i'm learning about your country
and I can hear you everywhere
everything is a sign of you
i'm desperately trying to ignore
like the flag that follows me everywhere
you were so proud of your country
your traces have me grasped
everything triggers me
like the whole nation was trying to remind me
of a soldier who’s departed
you are not your country
but just another person
who can’t tell them apart
Que invierno tan frío el que
vivimos esa noche
tú y yo
el café se enfrió
después de unos pocos minutos
y tú, no supiste qué hacer con tus manos
ni cómo construirnos un fuego
hoy, recuerdo ese frío invierno
como si lo viviese aún
con el frío colándome los huesos
y el café frío
congelándome por dentro
tú aún no sabes qué hacer con tus manos
pero eso ya no significa que yo pasaré frío
hoy tengo
una compañía que no me deja nunca
Y con quien no tengo que saber qué
y tú y yo y el invierno
no nos mezclamos nunca más
en Su perfecto plan.
Cartas de amor que no te escribiré jamás -{renata ferretti}
I’d give up all the love in the world
for a love like Yours
You give me reasons to
put on my big girl shoes
and walk around the world
as if it was not a big rabid wolf
who is willing to destroy me
with You I feel protected
and life makes sense
because I have You
will You be with me forever?
Or as long as forever is for me
I know my promises don’t mean much
but I know Yours do
Please promise to keep me loyal
to You
there’s nothing else I’ve ever
desired in my life
so much
Que solitaria la vida sin Ti
Me levantaría por las mañanas
sin poder decirte lo agradecida que estoy
por tenerte en mi vida
y qué sería de mi entonces?
No sería más que una rutina insoportable
y yo la marioneta de mis propios impulsos
No sería más
Y nunca querría más
Tú me despiertas por la mañana
con la esperanza de que donde sea que yo vaya
es porque Tú me has llevado
Te quiero
Eres todo
Y mi alma
Lo sabe y Te agradece
There isn’t anything
out there
in the space where
the lines are crossed
and Your silhouette is
no longer visible
that fills me
there is nothing outside
of You
that I would want to experience
nothing outside the inside of your
heart that calls me anymore
I’ve lived in it for so long
if I missed the call of Your voice
it’d kill me.
Out there -{renata ferretti}