The Ghost is Toast
The ghost wafted into the monster bash
The monster said, “This ghost is toast!”
The witches said, “He’ll be part of our stew!”
The ghost disappeared into mist so blue.
The monster’s eyes saw an eerie sight
and began monster mash in the night.
Twirling around like mashed potatoes,
trying to trap the ghost in his toes.
Ghost comrades floated in drizzled haze
to vampire feast to rescue friend from maze.
The monster rose from his slab in a flash
and continued to do the monster mash.
The witches and monster all tried
to grab ghost by his britches wide,
because all his body was see-through,
Dracula rose out of his coffin as crew.
Igor rattled in, dragging his chains -
they all rushed in to help him maintain
the monster capturing the ghost
at party where monster was host.
They latched on to his suspenders
figured he was invisibly slender
and popped him in to the toaster
to make the ghost into toast.
The toaster popped up with most
of what they imagined was vaporous ghost
they spread him with nutty peanut butter
danced the monster mash as they muttered.
The wad of peanut butter did zoom
floated all around the room.
But the diaphanous ghost
who was made into toast
was nowhere to be seen
although they could see his jeans
as party goers finished their bash
doing the monster mash!