How I Wish It Will Happen
"My savior, my light, my-"
The monitor flat-lines and he stares at her. A tear slides down his cheek. Her hand he held in his hands has gone limp and cold. The bandages on her wrist are loose. They had to call him to calm her down. She had clawed at the bandages and wires.
He can't stop remembering the night before. He can still smell the blood and alcohol. He can picture how she looked. How pale she was, how red her white shirt was, what color her hair was, everything. He feels as though it's his fault this happened.
Her note says the exact opposite. Her note says:
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be happy. I'm sorry for the pain my death will cause. I'm sorry I failed you. My death is NOT your fault. I have died because I feel like I am living a lie. I love you so much. I'm sorry that I have brought this upon you.