Most Improved
Really meant, "You still stink...
But, less so." My only award
I have some talent, I think
But in something obscure
Can't run fast, am not strongest
Am not the very best speller
Don't write stories the longest
Can't do addition so stellar
"You're a good friend," says dad
"And," says mom, "you have sense."
"Then," I ask, "why am I so sad?"
"Why," I ask, "am I so tense?"
They bow their heads and shrug
"It's your plight, my love, to not fit
Now, please, let us give you a hug
Don't you worry, one little bit."
So close, no matter how far
Really meant, "You still stink...
But, less so." My only award
I have some talent, I think
But in something obscure
Can't run fast, am not strongest
Am not the very best speller
Don't write stories the longest
Can't do addition so stellar
"You're a good friend," says dad
"And," says mom, "you have sense."
"Then," I ask, "why am I so sad?"
"Why," I ask, "am I so tense?"
They bow their heads and shrug
"It's your plight, my love, to not fit
Now, please, let us give you a hug
Don't you worry, one little bit."