Run-on Sentances...
I really don't believe in run-on sentences, heck just add a comma every once in a while and make it flow smoother than butter, sweet butter churning the summer heat with just you and your grandma sitting out back under the porch top listening the the silent hums of the red wood trees, and what beautiful trees they are; some days I just go out and lie in a hammock and stare at those beautiful trees all afternoon, feel God's warmth radiate down my spine all peaceful and quiet, but quiet with a prescience of course, ah and what a crazy prescience it is, I mean just the other day I was out at the local grocery mart picking up some bananas and milk- that's right I'm the person that makes a twenty minute trip so that I can have fruit mixed in with my cheerios- and any who that Margret Matlin walks up to me and says "girl the good Lord put you on my mind recently", now surely I won't go into detail (if I told you everything Ms. Matlin had to say you'd be here till the next full moon-two years from now), but it was quite the comforting little I do believe I was telling you why I don't believe in run-on sentences...